Chapter 21: A lie or a truth? Who shall I believe?

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''I'm late!'' Yuuki dashed around the house. Quickly she got dressed, combed her hair, and grabbed a piece of toast from the kitchen table.

''I'm off!'' She called out as Aoi began to wake up Reo and Riku for school.

''Have a nice day!'' Aoi called as Yuuki shut the door behind her.

''I just transferred her and I still can't seem to get ahold of my schedule!'' Yuuki ran.

Living with Aoi proved to be quite difficult. She hardly knew how to prepare food or do simple household chores. She was, strangely, an expert at taking care of children and could calm Haruto whenever he cried without problem.

But.....Yuuki was still concerned over her memery loss. She constantly had the same dream of that boy and how hard he cried to her.

Yuuki didn't even know how she arrived in this neighborhood.....

She had woken up to find herself lying in the park with only a simple top, sweater, shorts, and classic shoes. It was dark outside and no one was around. She remembered bumping into Yumie and her ominous presence, which she quickly had brushed off.

Yuuki turned to look and could hear mass explosions and multiple girls talking as she approached the school.

''What's going on?'' She turned around and saw Jaganu blabbering on with the cures.....
He stopped short. His eyes widened and he walked backwards. Jaganu looked as if he saw a ghost. He couldn't speak couldn't think and nearly fell to his knees.

''Wha?'' Ninja looked behind her and there was Yuuki standing in front of them.

He whispered as he fell to his knees. ''S-S-Sora???!!

Ninja, Spear, Katana, and Arrow stared in shook.

Yuuki clearly stood and said in a calm manner.
''I'm sorry, but I think your mistaken me for someone else....I don't know who is this 'Sora' girl and I don't know who you are...'' Yuuki stepped back.

Jaganu didn't speak at all. He couldn't even stand up.

''My name is Yuuki.....''

Ninja didn't know how to react she was completely shocked.

Katana looked at Jaganu and saw him tremble in terror.

''....You've.....forgotte....n....'' He still didn't look up as tears fell from his eyes.

Spear looked from Yuuki to Jaganu and back at her comrades.

Suddenly a dark gust of water swirled up next to Jaganu and Rio appeared.

''Curses....he's struggling.....against it.....'' Rio quickly summoned three Kowaremashitas and disappeared with Jaganu.

Yuuki just stared on without worry or compassion.
She blinked.
Wait.....what did I just say? Who....what...?

Katana was the first to break the silence. ''Everyone get ahold of yourselves!''

Arrow shook her head. ''Right, let's summon our attack!''

Ninja and Spear nodded as the three Kowaremashitas fused into one.

Ready!'' Ninja said.

''Yes!!'' Spear, Arrow, and Katana cried.

''Honesty!'' Katana activated her sword and held up the purple light.

''Benevolence!'' Arrow unsheathed her sword and flung it out.

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