Chapter 46: The true antagonist makes his appearance.....

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Ai, Runa, and Yumie woke up from their daydream with a start. The had felt a sudden urge just moments ago that involved their friends.

They were each in their houses, not allowed to leave because their family memebers did not wnat them anywhere near those ''heretic heroes'' they had to ecape after the visions they had seen of Midori, Moe, and Ayano.

''Midori is in danger!'' Ai leaped from her bed.

''Moe-chan needs my help!'' Yumie opened the door to her room as she rushed out of her room.

''Ayano-san......'' Runa murmeredas she got up from her seat.

~We have to get out!~

Each of them closed their eyes and saw Midori, Moe, and Ayano falling to the depths of the bottomless pit.

They had worn themselves out from fighting and if they didn't wake up soon, they'd surely perish.

The trio reached for them, but they went right through them.

''Why can't we get them?''

''Is this an illusion, perhaps?''

This is real, yet we can't get near them....Something is blocking us from them.....

''What are we supposed to do if we can't touch them???'' Yumie cried out to her friends.

''You can if you become Precure like before......'' A voice whispered in their ears.


''This is all happening in your mind......You can save them if you have the will to do so....'' The figure appeared and the trio knew who she was.

Time seemed to go back a hundred, no eight hundred years to 1219 when their ancestors, no them became Precure.......along with the person in front of them....


''Yes. My dearest friends....How you've changed.''

''Are you refering to our ancestors?'' Ai asked.

''No......Akemi Kaito.''

''Akemi Kaito?''

''That's your name from a 800 years ago.....You were the leader after I vanished from exsistence. Runa your name was Yamada Nakano and Yumie yours was Kasumi Mizuki.''

''That's our ancestors, not us-----------''

''I'm sorry, but I have to go soul and my body can't be in the same universe or it will create a time paradox......''

''Wait! What are we supposed to do!?'' Yumie yelled in her face.

''Fight back.'' The figure vanished before anyone could even breathe.

''That was no help....'' Ai looked around worriedly.

''Fight back, but how?'' Yumie grabbed her head and started shaking it.

''I have an idea.'' Runa spoke and both of them turned to look at her.

''It may be dangerous and has nearly no success in working, but I want to try it.....''

''Please tell us!!'' Both Ai and Yumie yelled in perturbation.


''No problem....'' Nariko cracked her knuckles and neck as she helped Ninja up.

''I still need to repay from when I erased your memories...'' Takumi helped Sora to stand back.

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