Chapter 22: Mother vs Daughter?! A Buddhism Key is nearby?!

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Yuuki turned to look at Bushi and both felt a surge of energy course within them.

''My lady-shi.....''

''Your lady?'' Yuuki said and her eyes shined bright white for a few seconds before turning back to their original color.

''Yes-shi!!'' Bushi hugged Yuuki. Yuuki only stared down at him.

''WHAT IS THAT THING???'' Ai stepped back, but ripped and fell on her face.

''I am not a thing-shi!'' Bushi said as he flew back.
''I am the legendary keeper of the Bushido-shi! I am my lady's guardian-shi!''

''Wait.....'' Midori rubbed her eyes.
''WHAT NOW?!'' Moe yelled.

Bushi facepalmed. ''Didn't I tell you before-shi?''

''No you have not....'' Ayano said and tapped her head.
''I have a pretty solid memory and I do not remember you saying such a thing....''

Ai couldn't speak at all.
What is going on? Why are they so calm and why is....

Instantly Ai remembered.
Yumie had attacked them, Runa was gone, and Ai had somehow been able to remember it.

Ai stood up and pointed at Yumie. ''Care to explain? How did you get here? What happened? Why are you next to them? Where is Runa?''

Yumie sighed. ''You weren't affected?''

Ai shook her head. ''No....I remember everything, somehow everyone else doesn't remember you attacking the school.....Is it really you...?''

Hisako spoke up. ''It is the real Yumie and we'd also like to explain everything to you......''

She turned to Yuuki.

''We also want to ask you some questions if we may....''
Reo stared down at his plate. He looked up to see Riku eating and sighed.

''I wonder how long it will be until their destiny is completed?''

''What?'' Riku asked through a mouthful of bento in his mouth.

''Nothing, I was just thinking....''

Reo knew what his sister was doing, to him it was obvious. He wondered how no one else knew.

All he wished for was for her to be safe in this new journey.
''So..............let me get this straight.....'' Ai rubbed her temples and slammed her fists on the table.It was currently afternnon and they decided to meet up in Runa's abandoned house.

''You are legendary heroes called Precure (samurais, you have to collect these keys, Yuuki here is actually Sora (a citizen of this Sky Kingdom), A villain race called The Corruptor's Society, is trying to kill us all, A Sky Kingdom exsists, Buddhism has helped shape society, Yumie and Runa are Precure descendants, Runa is held captive and brainwashed, Yumie still has remnants of the dark power, This thing is Yuuki's guardian......

''I am not a thing-shi!''' Bushi interjected.

''......And that I may be a Precure descendant.....''

Ai stood up. ''I can't handle this anymore.....Good luck figuring it all out.....'' Ai began to grab her things.

''Wait Ai....we------------

Yumie winced and fell to her feet, the trance began to take over.

''Yumie!!'' Ai rushed towards her, but was stopped by Ayano. ''She has to fight it on her own or we'll break her concentration.''

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