Chapter 9: Raging thunder?! A new enemy arises?!

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Moe tried to concentrate on her classes, but was unsuccessful in doing so. ''Miwa-san could you please read for me in which we left off yesturday...'' Ms. Kono told her while having the book in hand. Moe immediately stood up. ''!'' She retrieved her copy of the book and started flipping the pages. She had no idea what page they were on, and tried not to show her panicking that was building up inside her.

Runa sighed and tapped on Moe's shoulder. Moe turned around and Runa pointed to page 125 in her book.
''Start from the part - A servant presently led in the famous bard Demodocus, whom the muse had dearly loved....'' Moe nodded and gave Runa a silent 'thank you' and began to read aloud.
At the gymnasium Midori could be seen practicing with her team for the upcoming match.
''Midori-chan!'' Ai Miku ran to her. ''That was such an awesome shot! We'll definitely win with you in our team!''
Midori just blushed and scratched her head. ''It's no big deal....I'm happy to help you out!''
''Ladies and gentlemen.'' yelled the coach as the lined up for their next practice. ''What is our motto....?''

Everyone said in unison ''Winning is a habit, Success is a choice!'' The coach blew his whistle. ''Correct! Keep that in mind, now another lap across the gym!'' Everyone obliged without comment. Midori couldn't help but smile at the fact that this was going to be her first match against another school.
''Izumi-san!'' The art teacher yelled. Hisako jumped up.
''Yes, Isayama-sensei?'' Hisako asked nervously.
''You are painting with the incorrect color code....'' Ms. Isayama told her while shaking her head in disappointment. ''Eh?!'' Hisako looked at her painting to see just a large slush of gray and black puddles.
''I asked the class to paint a batch of roses for today's assignment, not a large blob...''
Hisako bowed her head apologetically. ''I'm sorry sensei......''

''That is alright be you won't receive full credit on this assignment....''
Hisako felt crushed by the news, literally. She currently had a B+ here and would probably drop a lot because of this assignmnet.....
Sighing she put her paintbrush and palette away....
Ayano sighed and rubbed her temples in distress.
Seh still couldn't convince her father to believe that the heroes (herself included) were clearly good and not as evil as he had said to her such countless times.

It's only a few more days before my father will announce his declaration of banning us from fighting.....
If only he knew that I am one of them......

She laid in her office chair and continued to think of a solution when the door opened so hard it caught Ayano by surprise.

''I'm sorry for bothering you at such a crucial time and place, but there is something important I have to discuss with you...'' Maddison told her. Maddison is the student council of the other neighboring school and has a close partnership with Ayano.

Ayano immediately stood up. ''Would you care for a seat, or would you like me to prepare something? Currently I have a free feel free to ask for anything at all!''

''No thank you, but I thank your hospitality and kindness.
It will only last a few minutes......'' Maddison opened up a folder she had been holding and placed a letter on Ayano's desk. ''A letter from your father, he asked me to give it to you...''
''I was alerted on how you discovered that these 'PreCure'
warriors exsist here and also at my school. Especially on the fact that your father plans to ban all Precures that are living here...'' ''Yes. I am trying to stop the ban from being made, but I cannot seem to change his view on them as being criminals....'' Ayano said in a timid but stern manner to Maddison. ''The fact clearly remains...we have to do something and fast. Only a few days left and the whole entire city will be left powerless.....''
''Yes, I shall see to it myself!'' Ayano said as Maddison excused herself.
As she shut the door Ayano looked down at the letter on her desk, opened it, and read what was in it.

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