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You are uncanceled
What is your job?
I don't remember if you've ever told me or I have ever asked

I have no clue (neither do I)
But I am a dance teacher and sometimes work in music videos

You already know that I am a rapper
And I cannot dance to save my life
(Don't come for me of course he can dance better than most people)

I can help you one day

That would be nice

Now explain the butterflies and carnations

So the butterflies
When I was younger I was always outside
And I was obsessed with butterflies
One day while I was playing in a lake with Yoongi actually
This butterfly would not leave me alone
And it was cool for the first five minutes
But I couldn't get rid of it
And it got freaky
And then it started trying to crawl down my swim trunks and was down there but really hard to fling off
And basically I was molested by a butterfly
And I have been terrified ever since

Oh my gosh
What the fuck
And the carnations?

So before I was well known
I was an underground rapper
And I didn't have many fans
But there was this one that was very fond of me
Always came to my performances
And she would write love notes
And they were always delivered with a different colored carnation
The notes were pretty innocent at first
But as I started getting bigger she got
The notes would have pictures of me that were taken without my consent
There was one of me in the shower
Still don't know how she got it
And pictures of like, her hurting herself to my picture and then other fans
And one day she actually broke in and tried to um
You know
And she finally got arrested and once she gets out of jail she will have a restraining order
But she still gets someone to periodically send me carnations no matter where I move
So they make me have panic attacks now

Jesus Joon
My fears seem trivial to those

Do you want to know why I am afraid of the dark

I don't even know at this point

I got bullied a bit in elementary school for looking weird
Yoongi was very protective of me
But whenever he wasn't there, there was this group of kids
They had a closet that was a bit bigger than a locker that they liked to stuff me in
And I would be in there for sometimes hours until Yoongi found me
Or they let me out because they heard Yoongi was looking for me and they were scared of him
I never told him about it because he would hurt them and get expelled and then I would be alone

I really wish I could hug you right now

It was nice to just talk about it
Thank you Frosty

We were having a cute moment
Why you gotta do me like that?


Canceled | MinjoonWhere stories live. Discover now