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The beep from my phone made me stop drinking my caramel macchiato. So I opened the message that popped up and automatically smiled upon seeing its content.

"So I'll pick you up at 4pm?"

"Definitely." I replied to Samuel before finishing my drink.

I still have 2 hours before I meet with my boyfriend. I think I should get a foot massage first. Yeah, that would pass up time.

So I hung my bag on my shoulder and went straight to the nearest spa I always go to. Upon entering, a familiar face welcomed me as she was about to exit the place. She looked at me with the most furious eyes a woman can ever give. And in return, I smiled wickedly not minding her presence and walked past her.

She's just one of the many girls whose boyfriends found me interesting.

Yes, I know. That's my full time job and innate personality ㅡ I'm a sidechick.

But before you throw judgments at me ㅡ call me names like a slut or third wheel, I just want to clarify that I don't chase after boys, they chase after me.

And it's not my damn fault that I'm way much better than their recent girlfriends that's why they're looking for other delicacies to taste.

The session was finished in no time and I got my feet feeling fresh like a new born baby. And just when I got out, my phone received another message from Samuel telling me to meet in the exact place where we always do.

Samuel is just another guy who finds his girlfriend boring and too plain that's why he's secretly meeting up with me. We've met in a a high-end bar and once he got my number, he never stopped texting me. He's adventurous so we have gone through numerous dates and out of the town trips, of course ㅡ without her girlfriend knowing.

I dolled myself up using my red lipstick and wore the most expensive watch I own. Sam really likes elegant women, the total opposite of her current girlfriend.

I drove myself towards the said place and walked there like I own it. It was a fine-dining restaurant only the prestigious people can afford. He introduced me to this place since he likes French cuisine.

The waiter led me to the table reserved under Sam's name. I was about to startle him with my sudden arrival without notice, but it seems like I was the one who got surprised.

I expected a lena Samuel who's going to greet me, but instead, the sight of a woman quietly sitting on the chair and leaning on the table welcomed me ㅡ it was his girlfriend.

Despite being the other woman, I felt no fear in facing her. I was prepared for situations like this anyway. I can fight on my own and I doubt she'll stand a chance with me.

I walked confidently towards the table hearing the own dent of my stilletos hitting the surface of the floor. I caught her attention the instance I pulled a chair.

"You came." She said weakly.


Sam was right. She was a little childish. She was wearing a red ruffled dress and a pink ponytail with a large bunny head design tied around her hair. Her vibe was screaming that of a 10-year old girl.

I raised an eyebrow upon seeing her right hand, clutching Sam's phone. So she's the one who texted me?

"Maye," My forehead wrinkled upon hearing my name. can I talk to you?"

"What do you want?"

"I know what's going on between you two ㅡ you and Sam." A smile formed her lips. But she couldn't look me in the eye.

I felt victorious on making her feel inferior to me. I know she's dying of insecurity upon seeing what her boyfriend cheated with her for.

"And do you think I care?"

She shook her head. "But you do care about Sam, right?"

Her question left me in silence. Care? Come to think of it, I don't love Sam. I don't even see him as a potential husband. I don't know. Care is too deep of a word to describe our current relationship right now.

"I just came to tell you that I'm leaving Sam to you." She started crying. "I read all your texts that when up to 3am and I can see the way he talks to you, he's really happy. All your I love you's with each other were really sweet... It makes me jealous. But I realize, who am I to get jealous when you're the one who completes his day?"

Her voice cracked nd her fingers started shaking. Despite her immature vibe, I can feel thta she's a really nice woman. A bubbly, yet emotional one.

"Y-your point?"

"Maye, I'm breaking up with Sam so you could be together. But will you promise me that you won't break his heart? Will you promise that you will take care of him, love him and make him even more happy for a long long time?"

I wonder how she sees me. If I'm a total blur or a squished figure for her eyes were al in tears and were barely open.

I stopped to look at her for a while.

This was the first time I was confronted this serious by a woman whose boyfriend I stole. I couldn't move for my gaze were fixed at how her tears flowed endlessly. The sight of this woman begging and crying infront of me made me see myself two years ago.

Wherein I was the one who was in her position ㅡ begging and crying like a hopeless damsel as I painfully let go of the guy I love and slowly watched another woman take him away.

The back of her hand covered her crying face having known that I was lost for words. It held Sam's phone which contained their picture togehther as their wallpaper.

There was a loud pounding on my chest. My confidence drooped down, my eyebrows rested above my eyes and my lips started to taste the salty liquid that came out from everyone's eyes whenever they feel guilty.

I was crying.

Her sobs slowly ceased to get harder as she was startled when I slowly reached for her hand.

"I'm sorry." Her eyes widened ㅡ surprised by the sudden shift of my mood from a while ago. "Do me a favor, woman. Break up with Sam and cut all your connections with him. Find a better guy ㅡ find someone who remains faithful to you, okay?"

She cried some more before nodding her head and storming out of the place. I went to the bathroom and texted Sam on his other phone and composed a message that contained the main reason why I want to break up with him.

As I clicked send, I slowly felt the warm embrace of relief and satisfaction creeping in my heart.

I looked at the mirror and wiped the red lipstick that covered my lips.

I am woman, too.

I should never be the reason why other woman cry at night, thinking why they weren't enough ㅡ cursing themselves on why they couldn't make someone stay.

I should never break their hearts.

For I am a woman, too.

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