Chapter 3

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When I got out of the van there was a big grey building that looked so dang depressing. Around that was a fence with barbed wire at the top looking more like a prison than a school. Then I noticed the people....

They looked like they could kill someone in a swipe of a finger, tattoos littered their bodies. Some had no shirt on and others just watched the new kids come in. I looked around seeing no girls? Huh that's weird, maybe they have a separate out time. I pulled my hoodie over to cover my face when people would stare at the newbies like fresh meat.

I chewed my lip continuously trying to be un-noticed, but none of my wishes has come true. Some tall guy tried to try to rip my hoodie off and I wanted to run but I knew I could not. He ripped my hood off and his eyes went wide with shock and so did everyone else. I felt a blush come to my cheeks from the attention.  My daze was stopped when a guard rushed me to the building to get away from the men. Once we got inside he sent me to the head quarters.

I timidly move to the door and knock lightly.

"Come in!" A man yelled.

I walked in to see a very classy, modern like room with black and white everything. I saw a man about in his 30's wearing a tux. He smiled and I did back.

"Miss Augustine Van Kingsly, what a pleasure to meet you!" he laughed. 

" Ummm h-hi..." I said quietly.

I've never been a people person, so I am really shy. The only person I have ever been close to is my brother. But I cant see him anymore.

"My name is Steven and I am the headmaster of this confined school." he smiled.

"I'm Auggie.." I blushed. (no stutter boiiz).

"How cute can you be! Okay I must tell you something that would seem a bit scary but bare with me here okay?"


"There are no girls in this school"



Hey guys Its Stephi here!

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