Chapter 7

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Auggie POV
He walked out ducking through the doorway. So I can tell my name but he can't tell me his.....that's a bunch of BS.
Oh yea I have classes!
I look at the clock to see that it's 7:35am and class starts in 20 minutes, or so the headmaster told me.  I found the bathroom that was connected to our room, as I opened the door the smell of cleanliness hit my nose and I was happy. I turned on the shower and washed my hair with my vanilla soap and Shea butter body wash. I got out and dried my hair, I don't do anything with my hair so I put it up in a pony tail. I brushed my teeth not bothered with how my face looks, because I have never seen myself as pretty. I'm just too pale.
I looked at my uniform closely and sighed.

( the uniforms are at the top and the one with the skirt is the girl one just if you needed to know😂)

I pulled it on and the thigh high leggings were black so I put on my black and white converses. I looked in the mirror not really happy with the skin showing but it will have to do.  Man I look like a Japanese school girl, wtf is Steven thinking!

Starting today I am going to ignore that sexy man at all time! And I will try to find some friends! Yes not even the hot ass man can stop me, or I will twist his balls!
I hipe myself up.
I grab my backpack and left walking over to the stairs and looking at the map I go to my first period. I was early so when I walked in there was one boy sitting in class.
He looked nice and his baby blue eyes got the best of me, I walked up to him.

"Hey ummm my name is Auggie, I'm new here and uhhh" my stutter was coming back as my confidence dropped.

He started to laugh and it was soooooo CUTEEE!!!

"My name is Kenney and I know your new here the news is spreading my friend." He laughed

He said my friend! Hell ya! That sexy man can suck my toes!

He started laughing again, oh crap I said that out loud😑.

"Your interesting aren't you, well yes we are friends so come sit next to me." He smiled.
I smiled back and he and I started talking about anything and everything. And I felt like with him my confidence reached the roof.

As people walked in I was getting more attention then I ever asked for, a lot of guys whispering and most checking me out but I DONT GIVE A FUUUUUUCK!!! (Sorry the memes hurt me not to say)

As the teacher walked in he started class the door slammed open making me jump and everyone else did too.

ITS HIM! The sexy man walked in the door with his uniform on, the top 3 buttons were undone showing his buff chest along with his tattooed neck. He walked in with messy hair and his cold face. Everyone seemed to freeze in the class like nobody was breathing.
I turn to Kenney too see he too was scared out of his mind. And the damn teacher was too?! What the hell is this guys problem.

He looked at me dead in the eyes as mine widened. He walked over to my desk that Kenney was sitting beside me.

He looked kinda pissed at me but I can understand why.....

He sat behind me and the teacher started that class with a shaky voice.


I got dressed in the bathroom to avoid that stupid Kid. She will not break what I built.
I got done and walked out of the bathroom towering over everything, people ran away and some sat there and tried to seduce me. I don't have that feeling but I'm kinda questioning it from the short stack.

I slammed the door to the class room open to see the once loose class freeze at my gaze. I looked for my seat to see the Short stack sitting next to some guy and they were laughing but that soon stopped when they saw me.

Not gonna lie that made my blood boil, but I don't know why....

I stared into her beautiful eyes again and walked behind her to sit at the open desk.
As the teacher started teaching I smelt vanilla and shea butter, which soothes my mind and I ended up falling asleep to that wonderful smell hoping that the room smelled like that when I got back.

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