Chapter 4

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No way.....NO WAY!!!!

I cant do this, nope, nada.

The headmaster looked at me with sad eyes as my eyes started to tear up. There are no girls in this school, so how am I here?

"Mr., why am I here if there are no girls?" I sniffled.

He sighed and dug his hands into his pockets.

"To be honest I have no idea why, but it must be a good reason." He said.

I twisted my sweater hands into knots, why me of all people! I did what was right and this is what I get!

Without a word the headmaster gave me a schedule and a girls uniform( looked awfully hooochie) and wished me luck. I walked around the gloomy corridors to find my room.

"208....209...211.. come on where is 210 its got-" I stuttered to see a room in the back of the hallway that had graffiti all over it and the orange light flickered making it look like a horror movie. I hoped that my roommate was a artist.

I slowly walked to the scary room and unlocked the door with my extra key. I quietly walked in seeing Gummy Bear rappers all over the floor, graffiti on the walls, I hoped that was red paint and a messed up bed that had a top bunk that was empty.

I think I'm sleeping up there...

I unpacked my bag putting all my clothes into a empty drawer. I got up on the top bunk and thought of my brother.

I hope he is ok now...

thinking of that I fell asleep not hearing the door open.


I walked around the corridors towering over everyone, nobody dares to stand agents me.

I am the most ruthless of this school, my aura sends people screaming. I think I have almost killed 10 people already, but that's what this school is. I walked to my room which I have not cleaned in years. I unlocked the room and a smell hit my nose and it was intoxicating. The smell of vanilla and water lilies. What man smelled like this at this school? Most smelled like trash.

I see a black jansport backpack on the ground neatly placed so I wont trip, the gummy bear packets have been picked up and the room smelled even stronger as I got deeper in. I wanted to know who was in my room so I can beat them to a pulp.

But I was interrupted by faint snoring....

I looked on the top bunk too see a body covered in blankets, I grabbed my steal bat and towered on the bed. I removed the blanket to see a girl with flawless pale skin and long lashes under her glasses. she had her curly hair in a messy bun. I have not seen a female in 3 years, she looks somewhat......


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