Chapter 8

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Auggie POV
As The sexy man sat behind me his breathing steadied, I'm guessing he fell asleep. I still don't know his name so I turned to Kenney and asked him.

"Hey, do you know the scary mans name?" I whispered.
He looked to me and looked at the hot man.
"His name is Ace and he is the leader of the most feared gang in the entire school and beyond.... the Cobras.." He says in awe.
I look back at Ace, and I turn towards him.
Kenney looked at me like I was crazy, because I am.
"I would not Auggie, he can kill you. So can his gang."He whispered.
I looked back to Ace and sighed. Then Kenney looked at me with a smirk.
"Don't go falling in love with him Auggie, he is bad news.."
I looked at him like he was insane.
"I will never do that, I never have fallen in love before." I said sadly.
He went silent and then changed the subject.
"Are you in love Kenney?" I asked
He looked hesitant and not sure to trust me..
"Hey you can trust me, I won't say a word and I don't break promises." I smiled.
He smiled and sighed.
"Yea I am, and he does not know who I am.." he said sadly.
Who could steal his heart, hopefully not Ace because he is a asshole.
"Who is it?" I whispered
"His name is Zero and he is so handsome but he never shows any emotion, he has gray hair and icy eyes, he is just so perfect" Kenney daydreamed.
I giggled watching him fall into a teenager with a crush mode.
As the bell rang for the end of class Kenney said good bye so it was just Ace and I in the class. I looked at Ace sleeping wondering if I should wake him.
I walked over to him and brushed his black hair out of his eyes. No matter what he does, I can't help but be nice to him. His eyes opened and I stopped my hand from brushing his bangs. He grabbed my wrist and stared at me coldly.
"What do you think your doing Kid?" He asked
I started to stutter again.
"I-I was just g-going to wake you u-up for next class.." I said quietly
He looked at me and let go of my wrist, the heat and electric shock from his touch went away. He got up with a sigh and walked to the door.
"Short stack are you coming?" He said in a monotone voice.
Even though he said it like that I became happy that he cared just a bit.
"Yup!" I said happily
As soon as we left the class room he went his own way and I looked at him longingly.
Why can't he be closer to me, what has he done to be so cold. I walked through the hall with my head down when I bumped into someone. I looked up to say sorry, he had grey hair and no emotions showing. Is this Zero?
He said nothing and passed by me. He was very handsome but I need to get Zero to know  Kenney so he can be happy.
"HEY AUGGIE!!" Kenney yelled.
I saw him run to me as his brown hair bounced. He got to me and showered me with kisses on my cheeks. I giggled because it tickles, he looked sorry like he thought it was too much but I liked it, reminded me of my brother.
He swung his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the lunch room. As we sat down after we got lunch some men started to sit next to me. They purposely touched my butt and thighs so I got up and excused myself as I walked out the lunch room.
I turned the corner to see Zero looking out the window.

"Hey.." I say
He looked to me then back out the window.
"Hi.." he responded
"I-I am Auggie " I said
"I am Zero"
"You seem lonely Zero..."
"Not really I'm just thinking"
"Oh sorry to interrupt"
"No it's ok, actually I have a question"
My stutter is not happening at all, I can tell Zero is a chill dude he just does not get any affection because of the cold expression.
"What is it?" I asked
"Your friend Kenney, does he like anyone?"
I freeze, no frickin way he just said that!!!
"I think he does, why do you ask?"
He sighed seeming disappointed
"No reason"
He waved and walked away.
My thoughts were interrupted by the one and only Ace.
My eyes widened, he looked so pissed that veins were popping out of his neck. I saw him come close to me and I turned and ran which made him run after me..... what did I do now?

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