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Age: 17Height: 5'4''Hobbies: Drawing, reading and hanging out with friends

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Age: 17
Height: 5'4''
Hobbies: Drawing, reading and hanging out with friends

She is shy, but once you get to really know her she is amazing. She had a small family which consist of her brother and her mom. She has never been in love because she always thought people got hurt by love, that is what happened to her mom.

Ace (sorry he is Jay Park😂)

Age: 19Height: 6'6"Hobbies: Hanging with his gang (Cobras), beating up people, eating gummy bears

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Age: 19
Height: 6'6"
Hobbies: Hanging with his gang (Cobras), beating up people, eating gummy bears.

Ace is the most feared gang leader in the entire school, he has 4 other members in his gang which are the most brutal in the school also. His wicked charms even make the guys fall for him. He never knew his family, so he grew up in a gang. Never has fallen for anyone but always has seemed to get many people for one night stands.


Age: 18Height: 6'2"Cold as ice but on the inside he is a warm person

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Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Cold as ice but on the inside he is a warm person


Age: 17Height: 5'9"Cute as well as his personality

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Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Cute as well as his personality

Members in Cobras:






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