Chapter 10

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Auggie POV
As he left the room I finally let out a breath it seemed. I feel bipolar from all the crying I have done but he made me that way. Though when he apologized my heart stopped and I felt so happy and butterflies erupted in my stomach. I sat and realized we hugged.
I blushed like a child as I sat in the chair.
His arms were so muscular as he wrapped his arms around my waist, he smelled like candy when I shoved my head into his neck.
I sniffled as I walked into the bathroom to see my eyes blood shot red and my lips close to bleed from my nervousness. I can't believe he saw me like this.....
"Well shit..." I sighed
I stripped myself and jumped in the shower, the warm water soothing my skin automatically. I hear the door open, noticing I don't have any clothes to change into. I washed my hair and body, turning off the shower I hesitated but opened the door slightly calling for Ace.

"Ace are you here?!" I yelled
I heard shuffling around and I yelled again.
"Ace?" I asked
I walked out a bit to see a tall man with blond hair searching through Aces drawers.
That's not Ace....
He turned as we made eye contact, I yelped keeping a good grip on my towel. He came towards me and opened the door wide. I gasped as I backed up.
"What ya doin in Aces room Shuga' ?" He asked.
"I-I ummm.." I mumbled.
I can't tell him I am his roommate because I would break a rule.
So I stayed silent...
"Shuga' I know you can talk, so why are ya in Aces room?" He smirked.
I could not say it, I promised him I wouldn't.
As he got closer the door opened to reveal the one and only Ace looking at us with a some what mad expression, again....
"Blade, what are you doing in my room?" He asked coldly.
Then he looked to me noticing that I was in a towel and pretty much soaked. His eyes widened as he grabbed my clothes out of my bag and threw them at me pushing me into the bathroom.
Jeez he already knew. I chuckled
Though I wonder who Blade is?

I walked back to the room with the notes from today because I already knew her nerdy self would want them to study. It took forever to explain why she was missing...
I see my door slightly open, and one thing went through my mind


I ran into the room to see Blade flirting with Auggie as she sat there dripping wet in a towel. I looked at her and saw how stunning she was, her pale shoulders were out of the towel showing a bit of freckles on the top while her blonde hair dropped into the crack of her towel. Focus Ace!
"Blade, what are you doing in my room?" I asked making sure he was not coming in here just because she was here.
I grabbed clothes out of her bag quickly and shoved them at her pushing her in the bathroom wanting her to get dressed.
I sighed.
Blade laughed
"Soooo her huh?" He smirked
What is he playing at?
I stood tall to tower over him, giving him a cold look.
"Jeez Ace, you really picked up a whore again....I thought you said you were done." He said loudly.
"And I am done, she is not a hooker Blade. She is the girl that the school is talking about.." I said
His eyes widened, then he went back to his normal smirk.
"Wow then we got a good one, wonder if she is currently dating. Cause damn she would be a good smash.." he said looking at the door.
I got angry again, my blood was going to boil through my skin. I must control my damn needs.
I cooled down and sighed.
"You never answered my question Blade." I glared.
"I was looking for my lighter Ace.." he sighed in defeat.
I chuckled a bit, letting my cold facade slip.
"I told you not to smoke anymore, it will decrease your strength we need to fight." I said
He looked at me with the 'are you kidding me' face.
"Ace buddy, we both know every fight you could have taken down guys with your fucking pinky finger so give me my lighter.." Blade said.
"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.
I hear a click to see Auggie walk out of the bathroom wearing...wait
Wearing my t-shirt and shorts making it seem like she only had a oversized shirt on.
Her shoulder peaked out of the neck of the shirt.
I was drooling at the sight, what is this girl doing to me?
"Hey Ace!" Blade yelled getting my attention
I looked to see him smirking, he walked over and whispered in my ear.
"She breaking your walls Ace.."
I looked at him longingly and sighed.
I knew all to well what's going on but the thing is, she is not even trying.
"Hey A-Ace mind if I g-go past?" Auggie said seeming still a little frightened of me.
I moved and she went around grabbing a book and pencil out of her bag and laid down on the bed opening the book and started doing something.
I guessed it was homework but she was smiling.
I looked back to Blade as he started shoving me out of my own room.
He got me out and smirked.
"Your in love Mr.Ice and I can see it!"
I scoffed, though I knew he was right.
"Why do you say that?"I asked
He chuckled.
"You look at her like she is gold and your a miner, she is a flower and your the rain, she is  the sun and your the earth. You need her man and she is breaking your icy heart."
Everything he said was true and there is no denying it. But I can't let this move any further for if we both fell in love she would be the one hurting.....

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