Chapter 11

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I sighed nodding my head to Blade. As I looked at the door, I was thinking how to fix this.
"What do I do Blade? I can't hurt her anymore than I already have.." I said hoping he can help, I've never been in this situation so...
"Well man I don't know what to tell you, just separate yourself from her until she forgets you." He sighed
That sounded hard to do, I don't know how long I can avoid her. She is everywhere.
I thank him by giving him his lighter back, which he very much appreciated. As I walked in the room I looked to the short stack to see her fast asleep. Her book was still on the bed, so I picked it up. I know I'm not supposed to be in her business, but I can't help myself.
I looked at the page to see a man, and can I say a hella good drawn man. He had tattoos that looked a bit like mine and my hair style. I looked to the side to see a written note. My curiosity got the best of me and I read it, the hand writing was very beautiful also.
Dear, Brother
Today was my first day in the school and it's not my best. I met a guy named Kenney and he is the bests gay friend I could ever ask for! He likes a guy named Zero so bring myself I want to try to get them together. And there is this guy named Ace, supposed to be the bad boy of the school but I do believe there is more to him than the cold facade that he puts on. He hugged me because I was being a baby and he made me calm down. Everyone is scared of him but I don't see why. I think he is a softy. Hahaha weird because I met the dude today but he has saved me a lot of times and almost made me pee myself a couple of times. I want to say thank you but I feel like if I do the slightest thing he will separate himself from me which hurts. I will try to keep myself in his life because he needs a good friend, he pushes everyone away to keep himself safe. Brother what should I do, he makes me happy and scared...

I frowned at the letter, somehow she already knew. So she was only talking to Zero to get him with that other kid? I chuckled. She read me so well but how? I am the hardest to read. And to think I make her warm inside..... I blush at the words. I look to her wondering how she got here. I looked at the page again to see my name written in the corner pointing to the picture. I smiled at how well she drew me. I flipped through the pages but found one that was frightening.
Dear Anyone,
I am currently sitting on a building with bloody hands. The thing I done was horrid but I saved him. What could I do?! He was going to kill him so I killed the man before he could. The knife in my hand stabbed into him like tissue paper and a punch. I felt horrible and threw up, but I saved him.....I don't want to go back home for the police will be there soon telling mom about my antics. Maybe if I jumped now I could end it all, but I love my life, so I ruined it so he could have better.

I looked at her with wide eyes. She murdered someone?! Her?! The doll with the most innocent eyes and brightest smile. What happened I was not certain of but whoever she killed, was hurting someone in a way I can't tell. I sighed and put the book on the dresser sitting on her bed. I brushed her now dry hair out of her face. I want to save her from my life but it seemed like she had worse that mine. I decided to avoid her so she can live a bit better than she did so she could have a somewhat normal life.
I walked out of the room to go get some gummy bears but I could not help but hear people talk.
"Hey so next week is the time of the year that he comes out.."one guy whispered.
"Oh shit I totally forgot about that, too bad for the new dudes coming in." The other whispers back.
"Dude I think he is going to pick that girl that came, she is definitely a good fuck" the one laughed as I controlled my anger.
Oh wait.......

They are talking about the day of the Black out.....

And the Ghost choosing Auggie.....

I slowly walked back to the room we shared and opened the creaky door to see Auggie sound asleep, she wont survive long if Ghost comes after her. Well at least I will be left alone.....

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