Chapter 5

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Auggie POV

Its dark....

I hear screaming.....

I see my brother being beaten, blood everywhere.....

He was crying, calling for me..

I looked down to see a knife in my hand...


I woke up, rubbing my eyes gently I turn shuffling the sheets a little.

I gasped to see scary man looking at me with soft eyes but his actions has other thoughts.

He held a baseball bat ready to attack..

I got up and shuffled back to the wall, my breathing heavy.

This is where it ends

His gaze turned cold and his lips curled into a scowl, he dropped the bat with a clang and grabbed my wrist.

"What do you think your doing in my room you little girl... " he gripped my wrist tighter.

I winced

"The h-headmaster said I w-was staying h-here..."I stuttered scared out of my mind.

This man looked like no joke, his sharp jawline twitched with fury, his plump lips opened a bit to match his heavy breathing.

"Yea sure. If someone sent you to soften me with your google eyes it's not happening, your not as pretty as any other girl I have seen, so get out." He yelled.

I shivered. He thought I was I look like one?

"I-I'm not a p-payed..." I whispered.

"Then why are you here, huh?! Can you be such a stalker that you sneak in just to lay on my bed and sniffle at me!?"

I did not notice the tears rolling down my face, until I wiped my eyes. He let go of my wrist and I took the chance and ran out the door. I have no idea why that bothered me so much, but it's great to know my roommate thought I was payed to sleep with him. ( sarcastic implied😂) I ran to a bathroom where I sat in a stall, I knew it was the men's restroom but there is no girls restroom.

" Yea sure. If someone sent you to google eyes at me it's not happening, your not as pretty as any other girl I have seen, so get out!" I yelled.
Well I lied about that.....she is very cute but I'm bisexual. Her wide green eyes stared at me through her glasses, she shivered from fear. Her hands were shaking as I felt from holding her wrist, she was very warm and clammy.

"I-I'm not a p-payed..." she said quietly.

She bit her red, swollen lips. I can't handle her, she is annoying!!

"Then why are you here, huh?! Can you be such a prissy that you sneak in just to lay on my bed and sleep with me!?" I hissed.

I suddenly stopped and realized what I said. Her face was stained with tears, she wiped her face.
I released her wrist and she jumped off the bed and ran out the door.
I stared at the door feeling somewhat guilty, why do I feel this way? I was showing that girl off.
She did not look like a girl trying to get with me.....she looked so helpless, but her tear filled eyes made my eye twitch.
What is wrong with me......
I should go see if she is ok, but I can't let her break my cold walls.....

Auggie POV
I sat up off the toilet and slapped my cheeks making them pink. I will just show him up, but how I can't really talk around people...
Welp I'll just go get my bag and request a new roommate.
I walk out of the bathroom to see 3 burly men talking in the corner, I turned the corner quickly but something grabbed my shoulder and pinned me agents the wall. I looked up to see a guy that had a scar going across his neck and he had a freshly shaven head. He smirked at me and my eyes widened, oh no...

"Look who it is, it's the girl that everybody is talking about!!" He laughed.
He came closer to me as I turn my head he sniffed my neck, groaning. I wanted to throw up.

"I have not smelt a woman in years, you look cute little one.." he smirked.

He started to rip my shirt apart showing my shoulders. I tried to scream but he put torn shirt in my mouth as a gag. I started crying again, he tried to undo my buttons, but I hear a yell that sounds familiar.....
But everything went black.....

I am not gonna care about her, so stupidddd.
Man I have to pee really bad.
I walk out of the room shoving my hand in my pocket but my ear catch muffled screams...
They sound like a girlssss.....oh...
I bolted to the screaming and saw 3 men pinning the girl to the floor, she had a ripped open shirt showing her shoulders and they started to undo her shirt.

"HEY GET OFF OF HER!!" I yell.

I sprint to the men and start throwing punches. I heard them say 'oh crap it's Ace!' and 'dude it's Cobras leader RUN!' but there is no escape from me. I punch them so much they are knocked out and my knuckles we're bleeding.
I looked at the girl to see her passed out, her shirt ripped to shreds, her glasses on the side of her with her tear stained face....
Now I really feel bad...
I grabbed her and brought her to 'our' room, but after what I did I think she might wanna switch roommates.
I lay her on the bed and I quickly fell asleep.

Hey I'm going to try to put more words on each chapter bc my first few look stupid😂
Make sure to comment!

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