Chapter 6

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Auggie POV

I woke up to see a bottom of a bed, so I am guessing I have returned to the hell of a room. With that man, the scary one.

I looked around to see the man fast asleep on a swivel chair, I get up and packed my bags quietly. But I look at him again and found myself walking over to him.

I admire his black hair, it looked so soft. I hesitated but I brushed my hand agents the hair and it was very soft indeed. His lashes sat on his tan cheeks, and his lips had a bit of drool coming off of them. I giggled, he looked so calm asleep and not yelling at me calling me a weirdo.  I sighed realizing I must leave before he wakes up.

I opened my eyes to see his dark ones staring back.

Ahhh crap....

"Might wanna step back a bit..." he said with a blank face. Back to the cold look.

"I-I'm sorry a-about yesterday.." I trailed off.

He looked at me blankly but I could see confusion in his eyes before it went away.

"I-I know that w-was your personal s-space and stuff.." I said quietly.

It was silent for a good minute before he spoke up with a deep voice.

"Those men are in the hospital."

"Huh?" I said

"The men that tried to ummmm yea you....I beat them to a coma, but that's all I will do for you. I have no interest in you or your body." He said in a monotone voice.

I smiled lightly and said thank you.

He looked up at me because he was sitting still, his eyes looked at me.He was so...dark and mysterious it made me shiver.

"I understand i-if you want m-me to move rooms....." I said.

"The headmaster wont let us move rooms until we have payed our sentence, so we can't move" He said looking annoyed.

I am doing it again, I am annoying him and everyone else. Why am I like this.

"I am annoying you again arnt I.." I looked down.


I woke up to see the girl

I looked back into her green eyes, I must keep a cold face.

"Might wanna step back.."I said coldly

We had some small talk, she is still scared from yesterday and I can tell from her stutter. I tried to sound annoyed and she took that on herself.

"I am annoying you arnt I..." She said sadly.

I looked down at her to see her looking at her feet, her curly blonde hair falling into her face. I stepped closer to her and she looked up to me, her green eye becoming wide.

"Whats your name girl" I say coldly.

She blushed

"Augustine, but my brother calls me Auggie." She smiled.

"Ok Kid, I have a few rules you must follow." I say

She looked surprised but then nodded.

"When you see me around school don't talk to me, don't mention that you room with me, and you will know why in a couple of days." I say walking out the room.

"Wait what is your n-name?" She asks.

I turned to her and whispered......

"You wont need to ask me Kid."

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