Chapter 12

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I got my gummy bears and walked back to the room.
I have to tell her, but I can't or things will get worse...
How did this happen again, I was never his victim but I have seen what he did to them. A couple of them tried to kill themselves just to get away from the torture. I can't let this happen again....
First my friend and now probably Auggie...
I opened the room to see her up and alive, she looked into my hands and smiled.
Nuh uh she is not taking my bears anytime soon...
She came up to me and smirked, I can't believe that just fucking happened. It was hot as hell...
"What are those?" She asked smiling
I moved the gummy bears behind my back slowly.
"Nothing you can have." I said putting the cold face back on.
She laughed
"Butttttt I cannnn, I looove those and your not blocking me from getting them." She laughed
I tried not to smile, I can tell she has eased up to me because she was not stuttering.
"Nope their not for youuuuu." I copied her long words
She pouted which made my stomach churn.
"Uh huh lets see about that!" She yelled.
Suddenly she jumps on my chest as she tries to get the gummy bears, from the impact and not expecting it I fell onto the door with a bang probably scaring people outside the door.
Someone opened the door somehow making us fall outside so Auggie was sitting on my chest, her skirt flaring up to have me see black laced underwear.
I gulped and bit my lip...
Yep that was a turn on...
I looked up to see Zero above us.
"Did you open the door?" I asked.
He sighed
"Yea, so you guys were ummm doing things in there.."
She blushed still not moving off my chest.
"No she wanted my g-" I could not finish my sentence as I see Auggie get up and grab the gummy bear packet that was on the floor and ran.
"Look what you did Zero now she has them!" I yelled chasing her down the hall.
She was fast but I had more stamina so when everyone looked at her like she was dead, but I have no plan on killing her.
As she was running it looked like she was laughing, I'm glad I'm doing this..
She took a turn to the courtyard and it was pouring but that did not stop her.
She ran out letting the ran hit her as she laughed.
I caught up as she was in her daydream and grabbed her by the waist, throwing her over my shoulder.
I hope this never ends....

Auggie POV
As I was on top of Ace trying to get the gummy bears the door opened making him fall with me on top. I gasped as I saw his head under my skirt, my face went red a a tomato.
I moved my skirt so he could see, as his head poked through I saw him looking at my underwear, biting his lip.
Damn that was a turn on...
Zero started talking to Ace so I took my chance, grabbed the gummy bears and ran.
I turn to see Ace close behind me.
I laughed as I saw that it was pouring so I took a turn to the yard. I spread my arms while running taking in the cool rain.
Then hands came around and grabbed my waist as I was lifted off the ground.
I looked over to see Ace picking me up and trying to grab the gummy bears.
I lifted my arms every way making sure he does not get them.
By now we were soaked through our clothes.
He pinned me to the ground, finally getting the gummy bears.
I laughed as he sighed.
"I can't believe we did all of this for gummy bears."
I looked at him and the most beautiful thing happened.
I was awe struck as I thought that this is not the same man as before.
He made me smile back...

He made me smile back

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"I am in love.." I whispered
Already knowing this feeling, but this is real, I am really falling for him.
Oh shit I forgot he was on top of me.
I look at him and his eyes are wide, like really wide.
"What did you say?" He whispered back.
Can this really hurt me? If I confessed what would happen. I met him like a week ago. I'm so confused.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked in a soft voice making my inside melt.
"What is the feeling when your stomach feels like it's going to explode, or when your eyes meet another's and it feels like heaven?"
He stared at me with a look like he was questioning it himself.
I took a risk and leans into him and.....

Grabbed his gummy bears...

Broooo you thought they were gonna kiss
She is hard to get😂😂
Thanks for reading!

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