chapter two

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"Emily you did not!" I gasp, grinning, "yeah, he was really good," she smirks, "yeah right," I roll my eyes, throwing a pillow at her, "I can't believe you're still a virgin," Emily shakes her head, "yeah honestly I don't even care about saving it for the right person at this point. I just wanna get it over and done with," I sigh, laying back on my bed.

there's a brief silence before Emily gasps, "oh my god," she grins, "what?" I ask, sitting back up, "lose it to Reece," "Seriously? you want me to lose my virginity to Reece Bibby?" I say in disbelief, "I mean yeah, he'd be pretty good and you did say you didn't really care," she says, trying to convince me.

I think about it for a second, "...I literally rejected him yesterday, though," I say, looking at Emily as she throws her hair into a ponytail, "so what? just get it over and done with. you still have his number?" she asks, "oh my god I forgot about that," I say reaching for my phone.

I find his contact and click on his name, "you gonna call him?" she asks, sitting back on my bed, "I mean...I guess so," I shrug before pressing the call button.

it rings a few times before he picks up, "hello?" he answers, "hey uh, it's Aiden," I say, unsure, "ohh did princess finally realize what she's missing out on?" he chuckles, "shut up," I laugh, "no but, could you do me a favour?" I ask, "I guess?" he says confused, "okay uh...could you take my virginity?" I say before nervously laughing, "you're still a virgin?" he asks, genuinely shocked, "yeah," I say, getting a little shy, "well damn, it'd be an honour to take you're virginity then," he chuckles, getting cocky again, "you can't catch feelings though, I don't do that shit," he reassures, "yeah, obviously. I just wanna lose it so I can finally say I've had sex," I say looking at Emily who's trying not to freak out.

"okay, so when?" he asks, "tonight?" I ask, "that works, i'll be over at nine," he says before hanging up. I look up from my phone and look at Emily, "what...just...happened?" Emily says in shock, "it's happening," I say, "oh my god when?!" she asks, getting excited, "he's coming over at nine," I smile, "don't catch feelings babygirl," she teases, "I won't. it's just sex," I roll my eyes, "it's not just sex you're losing your virginity, it's kind of a big deal," she tilts her head to the side.

9:00 pm comes faster than expected and before I know it i'm opening the front door to Reece Bibby, "hello, Aiden," he smirks, "hey," I smile, sighing, "is anyone home?" he asks as I lead him upstairs to my room, "no George is out with his friends and my mom is out of town with her boyfriend...again," I say as we walk into my room, "cute room," he compliments, although I can't tell if he's mocking me or not. he's getting more intimidating by the second, "let's go over some things first," he says, closing my door, slowly and in a suspenseful manor, "okay," I say sitting on my bed.

Reece stands in front of me and begins talking, "first off, don't be shocked if you end up with hickeys tomorrow morning,' he smirks at me, "second, I don't do double hook-ups," he says counting his fingers "Thirdly, i'll lead the way," he says, pulling me up in front of him so we're chest to chest, "and lastly," he pulls his shirt off "don't catch feelings," he whispers down my neck.

the next morning I wake up feeling electric, like a new person. Reece had left late last night. it was actually so good. he was sweeter than I expected and gentle and stuff like that. I reach over and grab my phone to call Emily but when I look in my notifications I've got a missed call from Reece and a text message as well *hey I had fun last night...* I sit up and swing my legs over the side of my bed making sure I read the text right.

I reply with *haha me too* before heading downstairs to the kitchen. "good morning Aiden," my moms boyfriend greets me at the kitchen table, "morning, when did you guys get back?" I ask, "about an hour ago," he replies before taking a sip of coffee, "who was that boy driving out of the driveway?" he smirks, "what boy?" I ask, playing dumb, "you know the one with dirty blonde hair, a silver car, the yankees jersey?" he asks, "probably one of Georges friends," I shrug, "yeah sure," he says sarcastically although before I can reply, my mother walks down the stairs, "hello Aiden."

after that day I hadn't heard from Reece for a few days. I didn't really notice much though. I had been talking more to Blake and constantly catching up on homework, Reece had barely crossed my mind. which I guess if strange considering I did lose my virginity to him.

"hi Aiden," Blake smiles at me and I sit next to him, "hello Blake," I smile back, "did you finish the assignment?' I ask pulling out my essay, "just barely," he chuckles, pulling his out as well, "okay class, settle, down," our biology teacher settles he class down before collecting our papers.

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