chapter twenty

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The morning after, I'm woken to an empty bed. Confused, I get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen to find a note sitting on the counter.

Hey, sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you or even kiss you goodbye but I got called into work so I'll be gone for a few days. There's a plenty of food in the fridge and I left some money for you just in case. I won't be near my phone most of the time so if u text me I won't reply for a good few hours but just know I'm fine, everything's okay. I asked Caleb to check up on you so expect him coming by within the next few days.


I look up from the page with so many questions. When the hell did Reece get a job? When did Reece leave? Why didn't Reece tell me about this job? Did he ever plan on telling me?

Taking in Reece's absence, I walk around the flat in silence thinking a million things. The morning sun glistens on my legs and feet as I stare out the wall of windows in our apartment.

"Hey Aiden," I turn around to see the one and only Caleb, "Hey, Caleb," I sigh, "how have you been, I haven't seen you in a while," Caleb grins setting his coat on the counter, "I'm fine," I say crossing my arms and walking over to him, "never expected it," he shakes his head, still grinning, "expected what?" I ask, progressively getting more irritated, "you and Reece," he looks up from the counter.

I walk across the apartment to him and I continue the conversation. "Why?" I ask, "just because he's never really...felt things like this," he tries to explain, "what do you mean?" I ask. Caleb leans up off his elbow and takes a step towards me, "Reece isn't the type to fall in love with someone. Hell he doesn't even love his own father," Caleb shakes his head, "why?" I ask again, "I think that's something he should tell you," Caleb sighs, looking away from me.

I can't help but wonder why he doesn't love his own dad. "Where is Reece?" I ask, "you sure ask a lot of questions," Calebs lip ring glistens in the light and as he chuckles, "he's my boyfriend, I'm entitled to ask questions when I'm worried," I stand up.

Caleb turns around and grabs the note. "Says here that he's been called into work for a few days," he says looking at the small piece of paper, "when did he get a job?" I ask. He looks up from the paper and hands me it, "he's had a job for about a year and a half now. With his uncle...he never told you?" He asks, "this is the first I'm hearing of it," I say, confused.

"He's left before though, yeah?" Caleb asks, "yes, after we fought one of the first days I moved in," I reply, my body turning to Caleb as he walks around me to sit on the couch behind me. When I sit down as well he continues.

"He was at work," he says like it's an obvious thing, "what does he do?" I ask, "he helps brainstorm and create ideas for movies and things like that," Caleb scratches the back of his neck, "seriously?" I ask in disbelief. Caleb only nods.

After Caleb leaves I take a long shower in Reece's huge-walk-in-marble shower. While I'm in the shower I wonder if Reece leaves because he doesn't want to be around me and it scares me. The fact that he doesn't want to be around me.

However, the music blaring helps me escape from my heart-wrenching thoughts and I forget about time.

About 2 hours after I get out of the shower I FaceTime Emily. "Yeah, Aiden this is starting to sound...sketchy. He's left mysteriously twice since you moved in, he doesn't love his dad, he's had a secret job for almost two years..." Emily lists as I sit at the island in our kitchen.

"Maybe he had good reason for not telling me," I say trying to convince myself, "better be a pretty good reason," Emily shakes her head, "he's not cheating on me...right?" I ask, beginning to worry, "Aiden he could be," Emily says with caution, "but that doesn't mean he is for sure," Emily adds on, noticing my panic.

"I don't even know what to think," I sigh, putting my head down in my arms on the counter, "I'm sure everything's fine," Emily says with reassurance, "Yeah," I say softly, pulling my head back up.

Falling asleep that night was weird without him. I missed him already. And I couldn't even talk to him much either. I want him next to me.

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