chapter twenty-four

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The minute she walked out that door I broke down. I loved her so so much. I still love her.

It wasn't until then that I realized she never told me she loved me. She never has. She never loved me. I mean obviously. If she loved me she would've came back. But she hasn't.

After 3 days, she's still gone. And I've hardly felt any other emotion than sorrow. But I have to remind myself, it has to be this way. It's easier. If she finds out the truth she'll never look at me or my family the same again.

Hell, she won't even look at her painting the same way. This is more connected to her than she knows. If I would've told her that then I'd be forced to tell her.

I grab the bottle of vodka off the counter before walking out of the flat. Walking down the hall towards the lift, I take off the cap and take a swig, tilting my head back.

The liquid burns as it travels down my throat. Before I press the button, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

I don't even realize I'm crying again until a tear drop falls onto my boot.

I'm crying, yet I feel nothing. Numb, empty. This is pathetic really. The way I'm acting. Father always said, "crying makes you weak and no man is weak."

I guess that makes me weak then.

When I step out of the lift, people in the parking garage stare but I ignore them, walking to my Jeep. The one Aiden loved.

As I'm driving down the roads of downtown London, memories of Aiden laughing and singing songs next to me flash into my mind, stabbing me in the heart.

When I check my rearview mirror, I see the backseat. The backseat we had sex on. I remember the way she teased me that night and take another swig from my vodka.

The car is silent, but still so loud. My thoughts are screaming at me.

I haven't slept since she left. I can't sleep in that bed. Not after she's slept with me in it. I feel like I should move out of my flat because of all the memories it holds.

The first time I saw her at the diner crosses my mind.

I take a sip of my drink as a brown haired girl walks into the diner, catching my eye. When she walks behind the counter without hesitation I assume she works here.

"Was that George's little sister?" Nolan asks, "that's George's sister? Like Aiden Smith?" I ask in disbelief, "yep, she completely glowed up after junior year," Caleb nods, "what do you guys think she's like in bed?" Nolan grins, nudging me, "shut up already," I chuckle.

"could i get you guys started with some water? or a drink?" Aiden asks after walking over to our table, "ooh Aiden Smith, you've really changed since junior year, huh?" Caleb teases her, "yeah I guess you could say that," she says scanning the rest of the table, her eyes landing on me.

I studied her, knowing she was looking back at me with the intention of intimidating her.

"having fun here, yeah?" Nolan says, "here specifically, no," she smiles with sarcasm, "why don't you come chill with us after your shift? we could all have a good time together," Caleb says, I wanted to slap him.

before she gets the chance to speak, I chirp up, giving into Caleb game, "i can show you a good time," I smirk, taking a sip from my red bull i brought in. the boys goes wild, applauding my cockiness, "right, okay," She chuckles, shaking her head.

No one says anything as Aiden looks back over at me, "you may get whatever you want from every other girl, but not from me," she sasses me, "damn you built an attitude since junior year, haven't you Smith?" Caleb chuckles, "I'll grab another waiter to serve you guys," she says before turning around and walking away.

"Reece just got CURVED!" Nolan jokes.

I begin sobbing as I pull into a drugstore parking lot. Why the fuck is my life like this? Why can't I have a normal family? A normal dad? A normal reason for Harry's death?

The bottles almost half empty when I get out of my car and start walking to the front doors, the lights from inside lighting up the parking lot.

"Hello mate," a older man greets me as I walk past him. Ignoring him, I keep walking.

Why did I even come here again? Oh yeah, sleeping pills. However I probably can't tell the difference between Advil and laxatives at this point so I just sit in the isles. Drinking my vodka in peace.

Although I guess I wasn't really in peace at all. I was heartbroken.

Either I passed out or fell asleep, that doesn't matter but when I'm woken up, it's by a police officer. "We're gonna have to take him to the station," "Aiden? You came back?" I hold her face, "no, kid. I'm a police officer," she says as my vision clears up.

Her and another police officer escort me to the police car and duck me in.

The streetlights blend together as we drive down unfamiliar roads to the police station. When we get there, I'm thrown into a small cell behind the counter only for me to fall asleep again.

The next morning I'm on the ground in an uncomfortable position. "Oh, you're awake now. How'd you sleep?" A police officer sitting outside my cell asks, "fantastic," I say sarcastically. He softly chuckles, stirring his tea bag around his cup of tea.

"Look, I'm not actually in jail am I?" I ask standing up, "no, but you'll still be charged," he says before taking another sip, "that's fine," I sigh, looking down.

"Why were you getting plastered in a drugstore?" He asks, holding back a laugh, "remedy to a broken heart," I reply, grabbing onto of of the cell bars, "listen mate, I've been broken hearted, I've met many broken hearted people but in my..." he interrupts himself by laughing uncontrollably.

"In my..." he wheezes, "in my 30 years of being a cop have never seen someone so rich look so rock bottom," he laughs so hard he's now crying.

"How do you know I'm rich?" I sigh, responding to only one of his comments, "I'm friends with your dad," he replies calming down, "right," I nod.

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