chapter four

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"so do you wanna talk about the things you said last night or...?" I ask, looking over at Reece who is staring at the road and gripping the steering wheel firmly, "you still remember what I said?" he asks, "how could I forget? you confessed your love to me," I say in shock, "drunk me did, I don't love you," he replies, sternly.

the sunglasses he wore made him look like some punk popstar, he looked kinda hot. "do you even remember what you said to me last night?" I ask, "I remember you calling me a dick, I remember calling you beautiful, I remember telling you that I loved you, and that's it," he sighs, "do you regret saying any of it?" I ask, looking out the window, "some things I meant, other things I didn't," he says as we pull into my school, "like what?" I ask, "looks like we're at your school now, bye," he says, smiling sarcastically at me.

I get out the his car, earning a few stares from my classmates, "did you hook up with him?" my lab partner stops me as I walk up the steps, "no he was just drunk last night and he wanted me to stay with him," I shrug, "lucky," she grins, walking away.

these girls weren't missing out on much...although that sex was pretty good last week...

"Aiden, hey!" Emily calls from a few metres away, "hey what's up?" I smile, as I get face to face with her, "...did you sleep with Reece?" she asks, "yeah, Emily on Saturday," I say in a 'duh' tone, "no no no, I mean, last night," she says, "no he just wanted me to stay with him because he was drunk, why does everyone care so much that he dropped me off?" I ask, "because, Aiden. you don't remember how everyone practically worshipped the ground he walked on last year?" she asks, "hmm must've missed that, speak of the devil...why is he back?" I ask making Emily turn around to see who was walking down the halls.

everyone stops and looks at him, "you forgot this," Reece smiles, handing me my phone, "thank you, we need to talk by the way," I say with a serious voice, looking up at him, "oh my god, fine," he says, slightly annoyed, "thank you," I smile, "k, i'll see you later?' he asks, "yep," I reply. "k bye," he says, before walking away.

once he's out of sight, everyone's eyes float to me. great, here come the rumours.

"are you and Reece Bibby dating?" Blake asks as I sit next to him, "what? no, is that what people think?' I ask "pretty much," he replies, "oh god," I sigh. if only he knew what actually happened.

school ends and I've never been more happy. "Caleb and his frat are having a party tonight, we should go," Emily says as I open my locker, "why? so you can fuck him too?" I smirk, "what? no!" she scoffs, "...okay maybe," she says with a grin growing on her face, "god, fine," I laugh, "then you can talk to Reece about whatever it was that you guys needed to talk about," she says, "yeah," I nod as we make our way down the hallway.

Emily just ends up staying after school so we could get ready, "where's mom?" I ask George as Emily and I make our way into the kitchen, "their back in Blackburn. they said they'd be gone for a week, though," George rolls his eyes, "god I fucking hate them sometimes," I sigh, shaking my head, "I want dad back," George sighs, "me too, too" I nod.

George never handled what happened very well. it's already been five years. that's crazy. "Aiden how 'bout we go get ready," Emily says, trying to lighten the mood, "good idea," I reply walking towards the stairway, "get ready for what?" George asks, "a party," I reply, "don't you work?" he asks, "no, I picked up a shift last night so Cynthia's letting me off the hook," I reply, "oh, okay," he nods.

"you aren't catching feelings for Reece are you?" Emily asks as she curls her hair, "me? probably not. but...I got tea," I say getting wound up, "oh my god what?" she asks, getting excited, "Okay so you know how I drove him home last night?" I ask, pumping my lip gloss in ad out of its tube, "yeah," she grins, "so he was pretty drunk and he stayed late at the diner after everyone left and he kept saying shit like 'why don't you want me' and 'you're beautiful' Emily he told me he fucking loved me," I say still shocked at what he said, "no way actually?' Emily asks as I apply my lip gloss, "yeah," I reply.

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