chapter sixteen

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"It's still pretty early," Reece says as we walk into the flat, "what do you say we watch a film?" He adds on, turning around, "Sure," I smile, following him to the couch.

"What movie?" He asks as we sit down, "could we watch Creed?" I ask, "you're into that type of stuff?" Reece asks, searching up the movie off the tv, "yes I love boxing," I reply bringing my knees to my chest, "interesting," Reece replies pressing the 'OK' button on the remote, choosing the movie.

During the movie I rested my head on his shoulder which lead to him wrapping his arm around me. This felt right. Different, but right.

I guess I fell asleep during the movie because the next morning I'm in bed next to Reece.

As my eyes flutter open, I'm exposed to Reece just looking at me. "Have you been watching me sleep?" I smile, my voice still croaky and quiet, "no," he lies, "weirdo," I tease, sitting up to his level.

He gently leans in and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry, Reece," I apologize, looking slightly up at him, "for what?" He asks as a puzzled expression washes over his face, "for just...I don't know. Thinking you were the bad guy and not believing you," I reply, sighing as I do so.

"Well you don't think I'm the bad guy now, do you?" Reece asks, "of course not. I think your little..." I smirk a bit as he begins to blush, "your confession, kind of opened my eyes a bit and made me realize my..." I pause for a second as we both go serious.

"The feelings I have for you," I look at him, "you really have feelings for me?" He asks, his face lighting up, "yes Reece, you think I would kiss you twice if I didn't have any feelings for you?" I grin, "I don't know," he chuckles bashfully.

"What should we do today?" I ask, falling onto my back, "maybe we could..." Reece trails off after laying next to me, "could we bake cupcakes?" He asks, "you wanna bake cupcakes?" I grin, roll onto my side to look at him, "what?" He asks in defence, "I don't know you just never striked me to be the type of guy that would bake cupcakes willingly," I laugh.

"Would you rather us do a human sacrifice or some shit?" Reece teases, "no!" I laugh.

"Aiden, Aiden oh my god," he says getting all serious, "what? What is it?" I ask getting worried, "there's a spider in your hair," he says almost as if he'd seen a ghost, "what!" I screech, "Reece get it out!" I cry jumping up and shaking my hair.

"Reece, Reece oh my god," I panic as I literally jump out of bed, "Hey, Aiden," Reece chuckles softly walking over, "I'm kidding," he laughs as he touches his forehead to mine.

I go to swat him but he grabs my wrist and gently pushes me up to the wall. "You're adorable," he whispers, looking into my eyes with admiration, "am I?" I whisper back, "yes." He says before leaning in and kissing me.

There was a certain way that he kissed me that made me feel like someone else. Someone who was confident and sexy. Someone who could make friends and talk to people easily.

He made me feel incredible.

My skin tingles as he leaves a trail of kisses from my lips down to my neck. He had kissed my neck way back when our little friendship had started but it felt way different now.

It felt...real?

Interrupting our intimate moment, someone knocks on the door. Confused, we make our way to the door to see who it is.

When I open the door I'm looking at our neighbor from across the hall, Bailey.

"Hello, Reece, Aiden," she smiles, "hi," I smile back, Reece simply walks away.

"So I'm sure you're aware I have my little 1-year-old, Lia, right?" She asks, "yeah, of course," I nod, "if it's not too much to ask, would you be able to babysit her tonight? Jack and I have just gotten invited to a wedding, and we couldn't miss it for the world and of course we don't wanna irritate everyone else with a baby," she explains herself as if I would say no.

"Of course! We would be glad to," I smile, "that's great, thank you so much," she thanks me, "anytime, bye now," I smile before closing the door.

"What did you just agree to?" Reece asks from the couch, "we're babysitting tonight," I smile, "really?" Reece stands up, his whole face lighting up, "I didn't think you'd be excited," I say shocked, "well I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?" He says snaking his arms around my waist.

"Reece," I say softly, wrapping my arms around his neck "yes?" He replies, "I wanna be with you."

A huge grin appears on his face as he says, "really?" "Yes, Reece. I wasn't sure before...but I'm sure now," I nod, smiling.

He replies by kissing me again with so much passion.

"I love you," he says before pausing and looking at me, "and I don't care if you don't love me back. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," he says reassuringly, "I really, genuinely love you" he says softly, "but you knew that already."

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