chapter nine

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The deeper and deeper we go into the woods I begin to think some screwed up things. What if he brought me here to kill me and when he asked if I'd like to find out he meant I'd meet them in heaven?

"Aiden, quit straining yourself," Reece chuckles, "sorry but I can't help but think that you've brought me out here to kill me," I say looking back to him, "no, my parents live out here," he laughs, "you're crazy," he adds, looking over at me.

I simply smile and look back out the window as we approach the large, glass mansion. I'm speechless. "This is it," he says, parking his car, "thi-this is your house?" I ask in awe, "my old house," he corrects me.

Saying nothing, I get out of the car and follow behind Reece as he leads me to the front door. "Mum?" He calls. A younger girl comes walking down the hallway, "Reece?" She says in disbelief, "hi!" He says, his face lighting up, "I missed you," she said quietly as she quickly walked over to Reece and gave him a hug.

He held her tight as if it was the last time he would ever see her. After they pull away from the hug, Reece turns to me, "Lexie, this is Aiden, Aiden, this is my sister Lexie," Reece shoves his hands in his pockets, "Hello," I smile, "hi," she says a bit shy, "I'll go find mum," Lexie turns to Reece before running off to another part of the house.

I look around the house in awe. "the house was a gift from my grandfather," Reece explains, "some gift," I chuckle, "I guess, not so much a gift but a...necessity," Reece says as I turn to face him, "necessity? how so?" I ask, taking a few steps towards him, "it-well-" "Reece! hello!" a gorgeous looking woman comes around the corner, "hey mum," Reece smiles, kissing her cheek before hugging her, "you're here to pick up-" her eyes float to me, interrupting what she was going to say, "who's this?" she smiles, "this is Aiden," Reece introduces me, "hi," I smile, as she shakes my hand, "I'm Lyndsey," she introduces herself.

she then turns back to Reece and finishes the sentence, "the...thing?" she asks Reece, "yeah," he replies, "come with me," Lyndsey says leading Reece, "feel free to look around, I'll only be a moment," Reece says to me. I nod and walk towards the large window looking out to the woods.

the way the trees made shadows from the sun mesmerized me as the wind blew through them.

As I'm daydreaming my mind wanders to Blake. Where's he gonna take me this Friday? What if we date? How could we date? What if he was Reece?

I instantly shake the though of Reece out of my head when him and his mum come back. "You ready to go?" He asks, "yeah," I smile walking towards him, "it was nice meeting you," I smile at Lyndsey, "yes, you too," She smiles back, "drive safe," Lyndsay says before we walk out, "I will, bye," Reece waves before closing the door behind us.

The short walk to Reece's car is quiet, but peaceful. "Fuck this week is going to be so stressful," I sigh as I put my seatbelt on, "how come?" Reece asks putting on sunglasses. I catch myself staring for a few seconds before I reply, "well I've got like 4 tests, George is breaking up with his girlfriend so I'll have to deal with that, my mom comes back Friday night–and oh fuck my date with Blake is that night," I say, wanting to take back my last few words.

"You're going on a date with Blake?" Reece asks, sounding hurt, but angry, "Yeah he asked me the other night," I say softly, "why?" He asks in a snobby tone, "because I can," I backfire, "he's playing you, Aiden," Reece rolls his eyes, "no he isn't! He would never!" I defend Blake, "how do you know?" He raises his voice, "because he's sweet, he's charming–" "and that's exactly how they all are! They're all sweet and charming and that's how they lure in they're next girl!" Reece interrupts me, "how the hell do you know all this?!" I yell, "because I was best friends with the kid for years!" He snaps his head at me.

I'm about to retaliate until I realized we aren't moving, "why aren't we moving?" I snap, "what?" Reece looks ahead. He steps on the gas a few times before sighing. "We're out of gas," "of course we are," I sigh, sitting back in my seat.

"What're we gonna do?" I ask, turning to him, "I guess we could call my mom. I think there might be some gasoline left in the garage," he replies, opening his phone, "why do you just have gasoline in your garage?" I ask, "my dad does a bunch of work with it," he shrugs, putting his phone to his ear.

Not asking any further questions I look out my window and begin daydreaming, once again. What's this "thing" Reece had to pick up? What's with the gasoline? No one just has gasoline sitting in their garage. Why was this huge house a "necessity"?

All these questions made my head hurt so I focused my attention back on Reece, "Okay, thank you," he says before hanging up, "is she gonna bring it?" I ask, "yeah she's on her way," he replies, laying his head on the head rest and looking into my eyes.

I hold the stare for a few moments, studying the features on his face. For a second I feel like we should kiss but then I realize that'd be far unrealistic.

I turn away but I feel his stare linger. I look at my hands for a few seconds before looking back at him, "what?" I ask softly, a smile slightly growing on my face, "nothing," he turns bright read, turning to look out his window.

Our relationship is so strange. One second we're screaming at each other the next we're gazing into each other's eyes. Why am I gazing into his eyes?

"Let's listen to the radio," Reece breaks the silence and presses a button on the control panel. A soft yet upbeat song plays. It sorta makes my heart flutter.

Reece begins softly singing along to the song. Not obnoxiously, but just soft and quiet. I paid close attention, focusing on the sound of his voice. "You've got me gone, how long, till we're dancing on the tables tryna' prove the whole world wrong?" He sang angelically. Soft, and angelic.

He stared out the window as I studied the way his lips parted and closed. Although I looked back out my window before the staring got too weird. "'Cause nothing don't mean anything, so just hold me close and let me close control..." I smiled as I started to realize he was either comfortable around me or he forgot I was even here.

The sound of someone banging on my window makes the both of us jump out of our seats. "Jesus Christ," Reece holds his heart as he looks over to see who's there. "Sorry," Lyndsay apologizes as I roll down my window, "you scared the living daylights out of me," Reece laughs.

I smile as I realize he's quoting the words i said only nights earlier. "I've got gas in my car so I'll just fill it up for you," Lyndsay offers, "Okay, thank you," Reece smiles at his mother.

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