chapter twenty-three

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I sip my coffee at the kitchen table as Reece sits down across from me, him still being shirtless. "What are you looking at?" He smirks, sipping his coffee, "You," I reply, cocking my head to the side for a moment.

Reece rests his chin in his hand and stares back at me from across the table. "Why?" He asks softly, "because I enjoy looking at beautiful things."

The lady across the store was screaming at a tills person and being overly obnoxious and I turn to Reece as ask, "Reece why are we here again?" He looks down at me for a split second answering, "I need clothes."

Grabbing my hand and pulling me into another direction, I remember how much I hate malls. They're loud, annoying, and crowded.

"What do you think of this?" Reece asks, pointing to a black tee shirt, "what about it? It's a plain black tee shirt," I shrug, "I know but..." he grabs the shirt and holds it up to his chest as he stands in front of a mirror, "do I pull it off?" He asks, "Reece you could pull of wearing a garbage bag," I sigh nonchalantly, "why are you stressing?" "I don't know," he says sounding defeated as he puts the shirt back.

"How about we go to the food court," I request holding Reece's hand and resting my head on his shoulder, "we just got here," he replies as we walk out of the store, "I know but I want pasta."

I accidentally fling alfredo sauce onto my shirt as Reece's phone starts to ring. "Hello?" He answers it, " let me go where it's more quiet. Give me a minute," Reece stands up from the table, "I have to take this, I will only be a moment," he says before walking past me, looking for somewhere quiet.

At first I thought he'd be back in a few minutes. Foolish me, when Reece leaves, he leaves.

It's now been about 45 minutes and still no sign of him. Who the hell called him and why is it taking so long?

Feeling utterly frustrated, I grab my tray and go throw my food out before walking in the direction Reece went in hopes of finding him.

Shoulders bump me as I try to find Reece as soon as possible. I search around the large mall soon feeling small before finding a doorway to a stairwell and bolting to it.

Sure enough, there Reece was, sitting on one of the steps. "Aiden, what do you need?" He asks pulling the phone away from his ear, "um an explanation," I say in an obvious tone, "hold on–hey Caleb can I call you back?" Reece says into the phone before hanging up.

"Speak," I say sternly as he turns his phone off, "what do you want me to say?" He asks getting irritated, "where the hell you were for almost three weeks, why you were on the phone with Caleb for almost an hour, leaving me, where you really work, and how many other secrets you've been keeping from me," I list off.

"Aiden can we please do this at home?" He pleads, standing up, "fine." I roll my eyes not wanting to fight.

The car ride back home was awful quiet. Reece looked panicked. He was scared to tell me. Has he been cheating on me? Is that where he was for 3 weeks? With his new girlfriend?

I didn't know. What I did know is that what is said tonight could either build our relationship or break it.

I watch the windshield as a droplet of water falls onto it. Then another, then 2 more, then it begins to rain. Thunderstorm, even.

*start song above at 2:18 for full effect*

Reece closes the door to the flat as I toss my bag on the couch. "Where do you work? Because I've asked several people, and they've all had different answers," I start off.

"Aiden..." he shakes his head, "Aiden this is far more deep than you think," he sighs, avoiding eye contact, "how deep can this be? Do you even have a job?" I ask, sitting on the armrest of the couch, "yes, Aiden. I have a job," he says, holding back.

"Where?" I ask. Reece stays silent.

"God dammit Reece. Where!?" I yell, "I can't tell you!" He yells back, "Are you cheating on me? Is that what this is?" I ask, standing up, "no, Aiden! I would never cheat on you," Reece replies, "do you trust me?"

"Yes Aiden, I trust you!" Reece yells at me, "I can't tell you, Aiden! Why can't you trust that this doesn't concern you?" Reece steps forward, "Trust me when I say that this is deeper and bigger than you think it is," he says, lowering his voice and looking away.

"How bad can it be? I'm your girlfriend! Aren't we supposed to share and talk about this kind of stuff?" I yell. Reece stays silent again.

"You know what, fine. Until you wanna tell me what the hell is going on, I'm done. Done!" I yell, walking past Reece and out the door. He doesn't try to stop me. He doesn't even tell me to come back. He lets me go. Without anywhere to go.

When I step outside, the tears running down my face blend in with the pouring rain falling from the sky. Maybe this is it. This is the end of Reece and I.

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