chapter seven

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"Aiden you know I would let you stay at my place but with but new twins, and all my brothers, there just wouldn't be enough room," Emily stresses, sounding on the verge on tears, "yeah, and I can't ask you to let me. but Emily where am I gonna go? I have nowhere else to go," I cry, "do you know when you're moving?" Emily asks, "well we haven't put the house up for sale yet but I assume it'll sell quickly, and I'm pretty sure Leo and my mother are already looking for houses," I sigh, holding back tears.

I never liked moving. I always got attached too quickly. "I hate that this is you work tonight?" Emily asks, changing the subject, "yeah, do you?" I ask, "Yeah. I should actually get going. When do you start?" She asks, "five," I reply, "oh, I get off at six," she says, "at least we have an hour together," I laugh a bit.

After I get off the phone with Emily, I decide on watching movies until my shift starts. Although I couldn't quite sit still. I had like a thousand things on my mind. Blake, Reece, moving, where I could stay, when we're gonna move...

The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up from the nap I unintentionally fell into. "Hello?" I answer groggily, "Aiden! You're late for work!" "Reece?" I ask, sitting up, "yes, Reece," He says in a sassy tone, "why are you telling me I'm late?" I ask, "because Emily said you wouldn't listen to her so I called you," Reece explains, "yeah, alright, I'm on my way," I say before hanging up.

The call closes to my lockscreen where sits 6 unread messages from Emily and 3 from my boss. Which I don't care to read. Instead I pull my shirt over my head, replacing in with a plain black shirt to wear to work.

Since I was wearing black leggings, I didn't bother changing them. I grab my keys and fly down the stairs and out the door.

"You're moving?" Is the first thing out of Reece's mouth when I arrive at the diner, "what?" I ask, taken back, "Emily just told me that you're moving to Manchester," he continues, "well yeah, but I don't want to. It's not like I have a choice," I say, avoiding eye contact, "when are you going?" He asks, "not for a few weeks," I reply.

Reece stays silent as I look him in the eyes, studying the concerned look on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask softly, "nothing," he sighs, walking past me.

His footsteps quietly echo as he makes his way out the front doors, leaving me confused.

ignoring his strange attitude, I walk to around the counter and to the break-room where I hang up my jacket. "why did you think I would listen to Reece instead of you?" I ask Emily as she walks in stealthily, "I don't guys have this weird...thing," Emily says, sounding unsure, "not even. why would you think that?" I ask, "I don't know...just the way you guys are around each other," She shrugs, "and how exactly are we around each other?' I ask, walking past her.

Emily follows behind me, about to say something, but at loss of words when we see an unexpected person, "hello, Blake," I smile kindly, "hey Aiden, could I speak with you for a minute?" he asks, politely, "sure," I reply walking around to the other side of the counter.

he gently grabs my wrist and pulls me outside, into the cold, rainy weather of March. "what is it?" I ask, eagerly, "I know this is coming sort of out of nowhere but..." he scratches the back of his head and avoids eye contact with me, "...could I take you out...on a date?" he asks, nervously, finally meeting my eyes. my face lights up as I reply, "yeah, of course," Blake lets out a sigh of relief, "okay well, could I pick you up at 8, Friday night?" he asks, "sounds great," I grin, "alright, see you tomorrow," he smiles, "goodbye," i reply as he walks away.

the warm air hits me as I walk back into the diner with a wide grin on my face. "what happened?" Emily asks, "Blake just asked me out a date," I say, walking back around the counter, "really?" she smiles, "yeah," I reply, laughing a bit, "it's about time you finally get a boyfriend," she chuckles, "we aren't dating..." I grin pointing a finger at her, "...yet," I say rather quietly, "yet?" Emily teases.

I'm all happy and giddy until I remember the news I received only hours earlier. "wait but what about Manchester?' I ask, getting insanely worried, "shit, I forgot about that," Emily shakes her head. tears well around my eyes as I begin to feel that nothing ever works out for me, "hey, hey don't cry. we can make it work, okay? it'll work out," Emily says in a comforting tone, "yeah, yeah, you're right," I say shutting my eyes and nodding my head, "come here," Emily says before embracing me in a hug.

my wet hair sticks to my shoulders as I pull the towel off my head and suddenly I get a phone call. I look at the clock before answering, why is Reece calling at 12:00 am?

"hello?" I answer, "hey," Reece says, his voice sounding groggy, "is everything alright?" I ask, " I wake you up?" he asks, "no I just got out of the shower," I reply, "could you stay the night?" he asks, "at your place?" I ask, "yeah," he replies, "as long as you pick me up," I reply, grabbing a bag and shoving clothes in it, "okay, I'm on my way." Reece says nothing more and hangs up.

while waiting on Reece's arrival I brush out my hair, change into pajama's that looked at least half decent, and finished packing my bag. the floor boards creak as I walk over to Georges room and softly knock on it, "come in," he calls. I open the door and see him with his guitar, "you're playing again?" I smile, "yeah, thought I could use some good tunes," he smiled.

"I'm glad to see that thing again," I smile, "me too," he nods, "I um I'm staying over at a friends tonight," I tell George, "okay, will you be on time for school?" he asks, "yeah, he'll drive me," I nod, "he?" George grins, "don't worry about it," I grin, "alright," he chuckles, putting his arms up in defence, "i'll see you tomorrow," I smile, "okay. bye, love you," he says, regripping his guitar, "bye, love you too." I reply before heading downstairs.

I sit by the front door at stare out the window, daydreaming. however, my thoughts were rudely interrupted when a certain someone honks their horn.

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