chapter thirteen

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At first I thought he would come back about an hour later. When he didn't I began to worry. Days pass of me nonstop worrying about the boy I was beginning to catch feelings for.

The flat was so lonely without him around, even though I had only been living with him for a day. If we fought like this and he left after one day of living together, how long will this last?

Friday drags on way to long. When Blake doesn't show up for class, I'm utterly confused. He always shows up. Will our date tonight still go as planned?

"You ready to go?" Emily asks, walking up to my locker, "Yep, lets go," I smile, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Reece still hasn't showed yet?" She asks, "no, he hasn't called, texted, nothing," I shrug, "where do you think he went?" She asks, "I don't know, maybe his parents," I reply as we walk out the front doors, "maybe," she sighs.

Emily and I are silent the whole ride to the apartment, deep in thought I assume. "Have fun tonight," Emily smiles as I collect my things, "I will," I lightly chuckle.

I open the door to the flat, to still, a completely empty flat. I toss my bag onto the couch before dialling Reece's number into my phone for the seventh time since he left. It rings and rings and rings.

No answer.

Sighing, I shut off my phone and walk to our room, looking for an outfit to wear tonight. I end up deciding on a knitted maroon sweater, a black skater skirt, knee-high black socks, and vans.

Being completely honest with myself, I felt that I looked pretty good. I straighten my hair and apply some lip gloss before waiting out on the couch for Blake's arrival.

8 o'clock comes rather quickly and I'm impatiently waiting for a text from Blake telling me he's outside. Nothing. *where are you?* I text Blake checking the time, 8:26 pm.

The movie would've started by now. I begin picking at my socks in disappointment.

Changing positions on the couch numerously, I soon lose hope. The sound of the door swinging open makes me jump, "Reece! You're back," I say in shock, never happier to see him. Not knowing how else to react, I stand there as he replies, "shouldn't you be on your date with Blake?" He walks past me to our bedroom, "he uh...he never showed up," I say looking at the time on my watch, 9:02 pm.

"What did I tell you," he sighs. I watch as he unpacks his suitcase. When did he have time to pack a suitcase?

"Wait, where the hell were you?!" I scold, "I went out of town for a few days," he rolls his eyes, "so you just didn't bother telling anyone?" I ask, "why the hell do you care? You're not my girlfriend!" He stands up, raising his voice, "yes, Reece, thank you for the fucking reminder!" I yell back, "then why the fuck are you worried about me?" He asks, "you know what, fine," I shake my head, reaching for the door, "all I've ever tried to do is be there for you because you know, we're living together so may as well learn to care for each other. But no, like everyone else, you push me away." I shake my head storming out of the bedroom.

"There for me?" He asks in disbelief, following me out into the kitchen, "what about me being there for you?" He asks as I lean my back against the counter, "I am always there for you, when you had your damn anxiety attack, when you almost got raped, for fucksake, Aiden, I let you live in my apartment!" He yells, making me look down.

Knowing he's right, I stay silent. I really do care. "I care about you, Reece," I say faintly, looking back up at him, "do you Aiden? Do you care about me?" He challenges stepping closer to me. Flinching as he gets right up close to me, tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry," my voice cracks as I look back down. I don't know why I'm apologizing. Maybe because I feel like this is my fault. Maybe it is. Maybe because I just don't want him to be mad at me.

"No, Aiden...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you," he tilts my head up, "I don't wanna be the one that makes you cry," he sighs, "I'm just...I don't know," I look to the right, out the large window, "what's on your mind?" He asks, not looking away from me.

I stay silent for a few moments, trying to think of what to say. "The past few days," I look back at him, "have been the most lonely days, ever," my voice cracks again. A look of guilt washes over him as I continue.

"I moved out from my family, you were gone, Emily and I have 2 classes together the entire week and we have different shifts at the diner, and Blake just stood me up," I explain.

Reece stands there, uncertainty written all over his face for a few moments.

"I don't ever want you to feel lonely again." Without another word, my feelings and hormones take over and make me lean in and press my lips against Reece's, kissing him.

The way his lips mended with mine set a fire in the pit of my stomach that I've never felt before. The feeling made me want to jump for joy as Reece brought his hand up to cup my cheek, deepening the kiss.

I felt Reece smile against my lips as he pulls my hips with his spare hand closer to his.

Pushing my feelings away, I gently pull away and smile. "What was that about?" He whispers, "I don't know."

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