(Request) {Teenage!Ben x Reader}Clichè's are Keepers

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My first request  *laughs menacingly* sorry about that. Since I started writing one of my dreams was to have active readers of my works and I will admit that I have grown very much during my writing "career" :). So, without further ado on with ~Le One Shot

Being a teenager is probably one of the most life changing experiences a human being could ever go through and at certain ages the experience either gets better or worse. I'll admit it has it's moments but, ultimately it comes back to a series of issues being:
A) Heartbreak
B) Fights
C) Hormones
Or the unholy answer most of us end up with

But this, you'd never expect this to be a life changing experience especially at 17. Well I guess on it's own it could be but, this one had a little help, and that help was GREATLY appreciated.

Walking home from a late night donut run (well as late as 8:30 pm could be considered) was... eventful to say the least. With the latest number one hits blasting in your ear buds you made your way home and, to your demise mmwahaha. I'm just kidding heehee.

The crunch of gravel under your feet made its self known surprisingly well over your loud belts and falsettos, all a little to well. Because suddenly an arm shot out and jerked you from the world of base drums and synth waves.
Grabbing your sholder the arm spun you around to face them gripping your chin, forcing you to loose your boxes of delicate sweets :,(.

"Aww what a pretty sight we have here huh." The captor said, "Looks like my night isn't a total bust after all." He let out a grimy chuckle.

"Well I wouldn't say that yet. Because they only thing to bust will be your nuts from me kicking them so hard." A new voice retorted. Hearing this comment the man spun around to face the new human pulling you along with him.

The said 'hero' had on a skin tight suit revealing his muscled stature but still concealing the actual muscles with a sense of mystery that made your sking crawl. As if there wasn't enough mystery with him already, he had a mask to conceal his features but not concealing the smooth skin and sharp jawline.
Your captor wheezed laughed at the mystery mans comment.
"You think that's gonna scare me from my prise then you got another thing coming." He said as he squeezed harder you winced in reply. This was the only hold the man had on you. You could knee him in the gut and hightail it out outta there picking up a soda on the way home but this mystery man was so tempting and sexy you decided to stay for the ride.
The 'hero' shrugged and kicked the man (guess where) in the balls putting the man out like that letting you go in the process. He lay on the ground now groaning in pain. You looked over to the donuts scattered around the ground. You picked up the empty box and frowned you didnt even get to nibbled one.

You turned with the box in hand and mercesly started beating the 'captor' with it. This drew a shocked expression from the 'hero'.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down he's down I know your upset but I'll take care of him don't worry." He said gently taking the box out of your hands and flinging it to the side. You looked at him getting the full veiw of his face minus the mask. He had a nice relieved expression on his face. His head of full midnight black hair that was just begging you to run your fingers through it. Skin smooth like butter and  a jawline so sharp if you happen to touch it you could get a cut on your finger.

"There you go, that's better thank you for calming down." He said with a smile it was so beautiful. Your face twisted with confusion.

"But-but I should be the one saying thank you." You stuttered out, this brought a smile to his face.

"Well in that case you can repay me by accompanying me on a date." He said with a devious smirk. You playfully rolled your eyes.

"Is this your idea of a first impression. Because it's fine with me." You smiled at him. "Of course, I'd be honored to go on a date with you." He smiled taking your hand.

"Great well meet here tomarrow night at say... 6 o'clock sound good?" He said  you nodded and he turned away with a smile but not before thrusting a peice of paper in your hand. You looked down in surprise to read the little swivel.

They say first impressions are the ones that stick. Hope mine was better then the other guys was.


You looked up to say somthing to him but he wasnt there.

"Well you sure impressed me Ben." You said with a smile putting the ear buds back into your ears and spinning on your heal to head home.

Gotta say I'm impressed with myself with this one. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out I hope you enjoyed it. Show your enjoyment by voting on this story and I'll continue to produce more for you to consume. LoL


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