quick question

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Hey (Y/N)," he said, I hummed in reply to much of a coward to look him in the eye. He grabbed my chin and tilted it twords him.

"You didn't give me a chance to stare at you." He watched me as my eyes grew wide and a blush fell over my cheeks.

"Red is my favorite color." He said kissing a cheek his kisses travelled down to my jaw and neck. He released my tender skin with a smack of his lips.
Rising once more to stare and my face.

"Beautiful." I smirked at him and licked my lips.

"You missed." I said kissing him fully wrapping my arms around his shoulders his finding their way around my waist, his hands squeezing my hips. I felt myself being picked up.

"Well I can guarantee that I didn't miss." He said slamming my bedroom door.

How is this for a more mature writing thing do you guys like that

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