Nightmare (Klaus)

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This one was requested by @animegamer_chik I hope that you enjoy

everybody has a hobby, yours just happened to be writing. Mostly when your insomnia kicked in, but really that's what you just called it. You were just more active during the night. You liked going on night  jogs writing at night, cleaning (your neighbors hated you for tht one specificly. 

you just couldn't help it, you had been this way since you were young, you just found the night comforting. That's why you were next to Klaus right now in the dark, you were writing a story. You didn't know what it was going to be about but it just came to mind and you had to write it down or else you'd forget it.  Typing away on your keybord you noticed that Klaus's breathing had picked up, he was breaking out in a sweat. He was twitching, what was wrong with him? 

You placed your laptop on the bedside table, you then leaned over him and gently shook him. 

"Klaus?" you whispered.

He didn't wake up so, you tried again this time with more force.

"Klaus." you said.

But yet still no response. So you shook him harder then before.

"Klaus." You said slightly louder then the last time. Your efforts proved fruitful he awoke with a start, he sat up quickly his eyes wild as he looked around the room until his gaze fell on you. He pulled you into his arms and hugged you tight. 

"Oh Klaus, it's ok I'm here. It'll be ok." you cooed rubbing his back gently. He became less tense, and gradually sat up. 

"I'm sorry if I woke you (Y/N), I just had a nightmare. It wasn't even scary it just seemed so real."  he said, you nodded in reply waiting him to continue but he didn't. That was ok he'll talk when he needs to. He laid back down and patted the space between you.
You laid down next to him and he wrapped an arm around your waist. His body heat fell over you, so you tucked your face in the crook of his neck. He sighed in relief closing his eyes and drifting away into sleep. You already knew you'd probably be awake the rest of the night, but you stayed anyway curled next to Klaus ready to be there incase he woke up again.

Well it's done. I'm not happy with this one I ran out of inspiration and I just need it the best I could sorry.


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