Diego x Reader angsty

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I'm in a sad mood rn I'm not feeling good mentally this ones short so...

The sent he left on my clothes lingers but never fades. A constant reminder to him, sometimes I smell his colone and I turn expecting him to be there but he isnt.

I dream about him We danced, he held my face in his hands and kissed my nose. Then my lips and neck. But then I open my eyes and I'm awake and alone. He isn't holding me like he used to, he's with someone else.

Everytime someone says "Diego" a pain stabs through me. Tears form and lightly crawl down my cheek. Am I being punished. Why do I miss him so much, I left him and now he hates me.

"I don't want to talk to you." His words hurt, but I'll never tell him that. I'm scared to run into him. Will he yell at me, should I turn and keep my head high my face blank. Should I pretend to not see him.

I want to tell him I love him but I I idk nt want him to think I'm pathetic. I have feelings, I'm not an emotionless can. And my feelings are my worst enemy. I wish I was a can.

Maybe someday I'll be able to tell Deigo how much I truly love him. Till then I'll replay our memories in my mind. From the way he hugged me to the way he whispered my name.


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