(Request) {Five x Reader} pt. 1 psychometry timeline

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Your power is Psychometry, you can touch an object and gain insight/information about the owner from the object and sometimes the future. It also works with physical contact.

This will be a 2 parter because I just had a big idea for it and I cant wait till I get it done.


Mr. Hargreaves came to your mom wanting to adopt you. Your mother was a single woman no job with a eviction notice on the kitchen counter. She assumed that the best option was to accept the offer.

So now you are a member of the Hargreaves family, number 8 to be exact. You grew up with the other children, often being neglected by your father figure. The mother who was a robot, she was the main caregiver of the family she cooked, cleaned, read bedtime stories, and many other things that a mother should do. She even took you to your father so he could say good night to you, he quite often never did.

Standing at the door of his office with the other children you all said "good night" awaiting a response from a busy man as he scribbled and typed away. When no response was said mother began to usher you and the others off to bed.

"Father is busy tonight off to bed." She said in her sweet tone. How a mechanical being could do such things you'd never know.

"He's always busy." Allison spat as she stormed down the hall and to her room. While none of the Hargreaves children were allowed into fathers study, you wernt allowed near any of his belongings.

He "didn't want your nose in his business" understandably you could see why. You could see what he had done every minute of that day and in special cases read his mind, but you never got close enough to anything to be able to do so.

You often stayed in the attic with Allison. It was quite and you didnt need to worry about touching other people's stuff. Because God forbid you touching another thing from klaus. The last time you saw him masterbating was the only time you wanted to see it.

"Hey (Y/n) will you go get me a pair of socks from my drawer." He asked, the pair of you were getting ready for a mission. You nodded running up the stairs and into his room. You went to the drawer and got the socks looking atop the dresser to see some of the knickknacks. You went to pick one up and let's just say you will never get anything else for klaus again.

One time when you were in the attic alone Five wandered up to see you. Claiming that you needed to be social because it was unhealthy for someone to not have any social contact.

"Honestly how do you expect to make friends without talking?" He said this was a rare time he had a smile across his face.

"How do you expect to make friends when you never smile, you to unapproachable you scrooge." You retorted, he came to sit next to you as you stared at the rising moon.

"As long as I know you can approach me then I'm good." He said looking at you. You turned away from him your face red with heat as you smiled.

He would do this to you all the time, say things that made you blush but never do anything else. You turned your attention back to the moon.

"You were always attracted to the moon. I'd spend hours reading about it so I could impress you with the knowledge that I have learned." He said, you looked at him.

"You really did somthing like that for me?" You said this time a smile adorned your face. He smiled in return.

"Of course." He replied as he grew closer to your face his eyes slowly closing. Yours fluttered close as he got closer and you leaned forward to meet him.

That is...

Until the alarm rang signaling that you had a mission. You opened your eyes and looked into his blue ones. He smirked at you and you knew what was coming.

"Let's keep this on hold till we get back." He said as he teleported out of the room. You looked at the spot he previously had been in before smiling and racing down the stairs to get ready for the mission.


As promised he returned after the mission, you were on your bed laying down fully awake staring up through the skylight when he popped into your room. You sat up startled but only to find that it was him. He walked over to the bed and laid down with you staring up at the moon.

"Well the moon looks nice doesn't it?" Five said he turned to you, you were still looking at the sky, he stared at your side profile.

"Yea it does. This is even cooler when it rains." You smiled and turned to look at home just to realize how close you were to eachother. He leaned in, and you followed his movements till your lips touched and your mind went haywire.

A vision popped up it showed you walking into a house and shutting the door. You walked into the living room to see who you presumed was five. He was sitting on the couch until he saw you and rose to walk over to you.

"Hey tiger, how was your day?" He leaned in to give you a peck on the lips and the vision changed again. This time you were standing in his arms his chest flush against your back as he held his hand atop yours on your swolen belly.

You were about 7 months pregnant, and you were in bliss. He leaned in next to your ear to whisper somthing before the vision ended bringing you back to this moment and time.

As Five pulled back you smiled and layed your head on his chest. He cradled you in his arms as you fell asleep.

That's was until the next morning at breakfast.

"Father I want to time travel." He said out of no where it startled you slightly as you drooped your spoon onto your plate causing a loud clang.

"No your not ready, we already discussed it." Mister Hargreaves said as he lifted a spoon to his mouth. Five rose out of his seat and teleported to his father's side.

"No I'm more then ready." He said. "I can already teleport so much better now. I-"

"I said no." Mr. Hargreaves said.

Five grew angry before running out of the house and you hadn't seen him since. You would often stay in his room and touch everything that was inside of it in hope's of seeing your future with him. But nothing came and you left it even now, 18 years later.

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