Calm and Quiet Deigo x Reader

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Update 2023: there is a mistake in this one loll it started out as a Klaus fic and then I figured it suited Diego better and didn't get all the Klaus name drops out I'm not fixing it either because it's funny to look through the comments and see confusion and I'm evil 😈

I hope you enjoy so let's get started because this one is a long one.

Playing piano was an enjoyment, especially when it was during a rain storm. From the pitter patter of the water droplets that hit your window, to the aura it gave. This rainstorm was not of your accord, this one happened on its own. During the late evening when the sun had just went down, it was very calm and just how you liked it.

You sat down at the black baby grand (a full size wouldnt fit in your apartment) and your fingers began to dance across the keys. Playing a song that you had herd before, it was one of your favorites. The name of the song was very dark but the song itself wasn't dark until the last few stanzas but, that was only due to it being played in a lower key. Besides, the original composer is known for his many dark titles and songs.
(A/N if you enjoy piano music I suggest you look him up. His name is Lucas King)

Your fingers continued to dance across the keys, that is until the door bell rings bringing you out of Your trance. You rose from the bench and made your way to the door. You peeked through the peephole to see a man a out your age he was wearing some pretty eye catching clothes. Nit goofy clothes but a full body suit with and a adornment of knives as he leaned on the wall in the hallway.

You opened the door and he looked at you with wide eyes. He smiled sheepishly.

"Oh um sorry I must have went to the wrong apartment number." He chuckled nervously. You smiled at him to try and calm his nerves

"No worries, it happened to everyone who were you looking for mabey I can give you directions or take you there." You said now resting against the doorframe. He smiled in return his deminior was calm now and he nodded.

"Well I was looking for my sister Vanya, you would happen to know her would you?" He asked "Oh my name is Deigo by the way." He stuck out a hand in greeting. You took it and shook his hand, it was soft and it surprised you.

"I'm (Y/n), and I do know her. Come on I'll show you where she is just let me get dressed." You invited him inside and he entered and began to look around as you went to your bedroom to change into more fitting clothes.

You put on an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of skinny jeans. You pulled your hair out of the messy but it had previously been in only for it to cascade down your back. You smoothed out the frizzy mess and pulled on a pair of converse then exited the room. You saw klaus next to your piano, he ran his fingers along the smooth glossy surface.

"That's my baby grand, it's my pride and soul." You giggled he smiled at you.

"So you piano play then, do you write music?" He asked as you guys made your way to the door.

"Well I often let my fingers do what they do and somthing that sounds pretty good will be born but, I never remember what I had played so I ultimately never compose my own music" you said as you began to walk down the hall. Footsteps echoing as you made it to the stairs to descend.

"Why dont you record when you play. You'll be able to listen to what you played and write it down." He said hopefully you looked at him with wide eyes, you were nearing the door to Vanya's apartment.

"That is a great idea." You said you were now in front of the door and you stopped walking to gesture to it. "Welp here we are, casa de la Vanya." You said smiling at him.

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