REQUEST five x reader pt 1

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Yall I'm lonely

It sucks when the person you like no love, loves someone else. A plastic mannequin at that, were you so bad that he'd rather have a life size barbie doll than you.

That's what led you to sitting in the windowsill of your room watching the rain roll down the glass. Almost as if it was moking you, because of the tears that had run down your face.

Being a weather manipulator the weather often followed your feelings. So, happiness produced sunshine extreme storms sadness rain and so on.
A knock was sound at the door you yelled out a greeting for them to come in already knowing why they were here. Rain=something is wrong with (Y/N).
Five opened the door and walked in to see you at the window sill

"What's wrong?" He asked I kept my body turned away from home.

"Dolores and I were-" he was cut off by a loud flash of lightning that shook the building. He walked over and crouched next to you. He reached out slowly to grab your hand and began to rub circles on the back of it.

"Are you ok?" He asked you looked him in the eye not saying a word. His gaze calmed you down a bit the rain outside calming to a light drizzle. He smiled in return and patted your hand.

"There we are, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He asked his eyes scanning your face. "Dolores-"

Lightning struck again as you jerked your hand from his before grasp getting up and walking to the window on the otherside of the room. His eyes followed your figure before darting to allison in the doorway. She gave him a look of sympathy.
She moved her head in the direction of the door. He stood and shrugged before following her order and left the room. Allison took his place in trying to comfort you seeing as she was the only one who knew about you're crush.

"Maybe you should tell him?" She said the rain picked up more as you began to panic.
"Its not right for you to go on hurting while he has no clue about your feelings. Rain and thunderstorms arent gonna turn me away (Y/N)."

You looked at her over your shoulder. You're gaze no longer watery but more so a curious look in your eye.

"Its not right for me to tell him that I've been iove with him since he left. He's with that junk of plastic and no matter what hes happy." You said. Allison knew there was no way to deter you so she nodded in understanding and left.

Yall know I'm lazy but if I keep writing on this I'll mess it up any way I live you guys

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