(REQUESTED) Klaus x male!reader

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I have never written a character x Male reader before particularly because I don't think I'd be good at it. I hope I do the LGBTQ+ community well.

Dragging Ben along with him, Klaus was on his way to the bar to see if he could sucker anyone into giving him free drinks. He usually just drank what was left in the shot glasses that the passed out drunkards had. It wasn't a lot but when he went to multiple bars it tended to get him a little tipsy.  That usually ended up with Ben dragging him home, complaining about how he could get higher then the atmosphere and still not be able to handle 4oz. of alcohol.

"Because bitch its not the same thing." Klaus would reply chuckling at his words. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Ok gee.... and I'm not a bitch." Ben replied with a slight pout on his face. Klaus poked Bens cheek, stumbling and falling into someone. he rose of the chest of the guy he bumped into rising to his full height.

"oh shiiiit man. I tripped on my dick, sorry." Klaus said slurring out his words. The guy chuckled at Klaus getting up as well. 

"No worries man, and I doubt its that long." he said gesturing to Klaus's crouch. 

"Don't believe me ehh." Klaus said before starting to unzip his pants. The guy he bumped into grabbed Klaus's hand. 

"No need its fine." he said blushing and rubbing his neck, he held out his hand.  "I'm (Y/N) by the way" Klaus grabbed his hand shaking it the best he could.

"I'm Klaus, can you bye me a drink?" 


This one was very short and I'm sorry I don't know what to write when I do these. Ive never done a Male x Male reader before but I hope you enjoyed.

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