Survival (Ben)

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^that's your suit^ classic I know

When you saw the umbrella academy for the first time, you were across the street when the bank was being robbed. When all the children walked out and you saw them, you hungered for it. To feel the rush of adrenaline, to feel the sense of victory from capturing a bad guy.

And your powers certainly helped with that

Being able to create unbreakable forcefeilds put you at a major advantage.

They have guns?

No problem, you'd create a force field between yourself and the deadly weapon. So why did you run?

Because it was more fun that way.

That's what you were doing now, running after a criminal. He had tried to steal a woman's purse. He didnt get to far before you shoved him down and took the purse from his hands throwing it back to the lady. He picked himself off the ground and ran. You created stairs out of your forcefeilds and that's what you were doing now. Running across the rooftops in pursuit of the theif.

Hoppin gn from roof to roof, he didnt know you were following him. You guessed this because he turned and hid in the alley you were about to jump over. He stood at the edge of the building looking around the corner.

You silently stepped onto the fire escape and climbed down to hang upside down on the bottom one. He began to scoot backwards, he slowly turned around seeing you he screamed and turned to run out of the alley running into the forcefeild you created at the entrance he fell backwards on the ground.

"Yea, forgot to mention that there is a barrier there." You said with one gloved hand one the metal bars you used the other to encase the man in a barrier.

"There's also one around you so. Figured I'd warn you this time." You said letting go of the bar and flipping onto your feet landing in a crouched position before standing. The guy stood up in the barrier and glared at you.

"Fight me like a real hero insted of hiding behind your powers." He spat at you. Shrugging in response you dropped the barrier.

"Ok you asked for it." You said getting into a fighting stance. A warm breeze flew into the alleyway making your hair flow and cascade down your sholder.

The man let out a battle cry and ran in your direction. You sidestepped him. He turned prepared to run at you again. You sidestepped him tripping and pushing him out of the alley and into the street he fell to the ground knocked out.

"Its not very nice to beat people up." A voice said behind you. Rolling your eyes you came face to face with the man that had been watching you for the past 4 months when people realized that there were more super heroes out there then just the Umbrella Academy.

"And ots very creepy to watch people. Get a life and let me do my job." You said facing him now with your arms crossed over your chest. He was in a crouched position on top of a dumpster smiling at you.

"Aww come on, I was only watching with curiosity." He said his head tilted to the side as you rolled your eyes again.

"So that's what you call this. When you follow me, and watch me no doubt thinking about what I look like with this suit off. But ya see in today's time, we call that stalking." You turned away from him walking to the passed out man on the pavement. You tied him up and created a shield around him you walked down the street, footsteps following you.

"Your gonna leave me hanging like that dang, that hurts." Stalker dude said.

"Well then mabey you should get that checked out. Could be serious." You said chuckling. He shrugged in response.

"You were right about one thing however. I do wonder what you look like without that suit." He said in a low gravelly tone. You were happy you were facing away from him or else he'd see the blish that had spread across your face. But you weren't going down that easy.

"Well mabey someday you'll get to see what's under this suit." You said slightly unzipping the top to show a bit of cleavage.

(Yall kids dirty as hell)

Be stoped what he was doing and stared as your gloved hand unzipped the material.
He jumped a little when you suddenly zipped it back up.

"Sorry but that day is not today." You said turning away leaving him blushing and staring where you just stood. Shaking his head he jogged to catch up to you.

You stopped walking in front of the police station. You tied the man to the door and put a note on his face saying what he had done. You then turned to the man standing next to you tapping him slightly. He turned to you and you got close to him seeing the way his eyes glinted in the dark. When you were close enough to kiss him you whispered in his ear.

"Tag your it." Before running off and climbing up to the rooftops. He took off after you your hair bouncing in the wind as you ran. You ran to the edge of the building and stopped the jump was far, you looked over your sholder at the man who was running in your direction before jumping across the gap. And standing on the other side. He kept running and jumped onto the roof bumping into you and grabbing you as he went down you rolled a few feet while in his arms stopping whith him over you him straddling your hips.

You looked into your eyes and he looked into yours his arms righted around you. His gaze flickered briefly down to your lips asking for permission to kiss you. You rolled your eyes and moved your head up to catch his lips in a kiss it was very passionate. It was slow and soft just, he smiled into the kiss and pulled away to whisper in your ear.

"Now your it." He got up and jumped down onto the street. You sat up propping yourself on your elbows and rolling your eyes.

"Sneaky move Ben." And shot off after him

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