Five x reader pt 2 psychometry timeline

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You walked in the house you hadn't been in for almost 15 years. Shrugging off your coat and hanging it on the rack you ran soothing fingers over your scalp. Picking up a career in criminal psychology was just a way to keep five off your mind.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)." Allison said as she stopped at the top of the stairs. You smiled and waved walking to the stairs, your heels clicking on the marble floor. The swish of your pant suit filling the empty flat.

"(Y/n) you look good." She said wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"You're not so bad yourself Al." You said chuckling at her. You walked through the halls and into the livingroom. The sunlight pouring through the open windows and making your white shirt glow.

Klaus came walking into the room from the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other.
"Why the hell is the sun in our livingroom?" He asked stumbling to the couch.
You rolled your eyes and unwrapped yourself from Allison's grip and made your way to the couch. You swiped his feet off the couch, and sat down. Your eyes caught sight of the small pocket watch on the coffee table.

"How'd this get here?" You said eyeing the pocket watch that was last seen on Five's bedside table. Klaus immediately took a swig of his drink to avoid your question. You eyed him and leaned forward to grab it.

"Leave it, next time I'll kick your arse." You said as your fingers made contact with the object. Suddenly a flash of light hit you and you were standing outside as a giant whirlpool opened.

"(Y/n)!...(Y/n)!" Someone screamed in the distance.

You gasped as you were suddenly in the living room again.
"(Y/n)!" Klaus said shaking your shoulders. You shook your head dropping the object. Cursing under your breath you picked it up.

"You good?" Klaus said as he and Allison watched you with worry filled eyes. You nodded running a hand over the pocket watch.

"Yea, I just zoned out." You said standing up and leaving the room. You made your way to the room you had spent so much time in, Five's room. You layed the pocket watch on the bedside table and laid down on the bed.

"One day I will find you, and I wont quick searching till I do."

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