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"I've got this one!" You shouted over your shoulder to your friends, as you charged towards the approaching walker, hunting knife at the ready.

A sudden flood of walkers had made their way through the woods and into the safe zone. Violet had suggested that you wait until the next morning to take care of them, but Marlon decided that it had to be done now.

A loud thud was heard behind you, and manical laughter echoed across the hunting grounds. You glimpsed and saw that one of the boulder traps had been set off.

"Mashed walker, anyone?" Louis asked in a cocky tone, showing off the fact that he had successfully set off one of the traps.

"Stop flexing and focus on killing these shitheads." Violet called out to Louis while she herself was occupied with slicing walkers with her meat cleaver.

The sun was setting and golden rays of light seeped through the branches of the trees and kissed your skin. It was a beautiful evening, just typical that the walkers would choose exactly this day to come and disturb.

"I think we got them all. Let's get back inside!" Marlon shouted after a while. Everyone gathered up as a group and started walking back to the school.

"Not bad (y/n)! Not better than me though." Louis, who had walked up next to you, said with a smirk.

"Eh, you were alright. But do you know who really outshone everyone tonight?" You asked, playing along.

"Me." He said with a proud expression and made an awful gesture that was most likely meant to show off his arm muscles.

"Nope! Brody! Well done out there." You said and turned around to smile at her.

"Thank you (y/n). You're too kind." She said, sounding sincere. You could feel Louis giving you the stink eye as he made a huffing sound. The thing is that you liked doing this on purpose, pissing him off by countering his bragging.

Marlon closed the gate when everyone had made it safely inside the school grounds. Willy and Tenn who had stayed behind, since they were deemed too young to join you, came towards the rest of the group when they heard you.

"Did everything go well?" Tenn asked in his usual, a bit nervous, voice.

"Yup. Zero complications." Louis answered.

"I guess I'll go and start preparing dinner." Omar said and walked off. He didn't have to ask if anyone was hungry. They always were.

"I have lookout duty." Willy said and parted from the group, headed for the lookout tower.

"And I... Have piano duty. Care to join?" Louis asked and met your eyes. You shrugged and followed him to the music room. You didn't have anything better to do, anyways.

The two of you sat down in front of the worn-out piano. Louis started playing a distinctly familiar melody and both of you sang along to the chorus.

"Billie Jean is not my lover. She's just a girl who claims that I am the one, but the kid is not my son!"

You both chuckled when the song was over. Louis was left staring out into thin air with a smile on his face. You didn't feel like you had a good singing voice, but Louis had never said anything about it. On the contrary, he often encouraged you to sing with him.

"What are you thining about?" You asked and poked his cheek to drag him out of his daydream.

"I was thinking of the day you arrived here." He said with a light laugh, while looking at his own hands.

"Oh god. Don't remind me." You groaned and shook your head. You had walked around aimlessly in the woods for weeks, searching for some sort of shelter, when you suddenly got caught in a trap at the school's hunting grounds. Aasim found you hanging upside down a while later.

That was a year ago now.

"No, don't get me wrong. I'm glad you're here." Louis smiled at you.

"So am I."

There was a knock on the door, and Violet peeked her head into the room without recieving the permission to. Something told you she didn't give a damn whether she could come in or not.

"Dinner's ready."

The two of you got up from the piano chair that actually was too small for two people, and followed her outside to the courtyard where everyone already sat at the benches. Your stomach growled loudly when you smelled the stew that Omar had cooked up. You ate the same thing every day, but Omar still managed to make it taste good regardless. Needless to say, when there was barely anything left to eat in the world, almost everything tasted good.

You eagerly accepted a spoon of stew and started to dig in. Mitch was telling a story about him blowing up a sandbox while a bonfire crackled in the distance. You let out a pleased sigh and took in the peaceful atmosphere. At times, the end of the world wasn't all too bad.

"Sometimes I forget how lucky I am that I found this place." You said and turned to face Louis.

"I think you've got it wrong. This place obviously found you." He teased. You playfully punched his arm and continued eating.

When dinner was finished, with everyone having scraped their plates clean, people started heading towards the dorms one by one.

"No game tonight?" Louis asked disappointedly and looked out over the tables that were nearly empty by now.

"Nope. Not tonight." You said with a yawn as you streched your arms out. "Goodnight, you guys."

"Goodnight." Marlon and Louis answered in unison and you headed to your room. Clearing up walkers really took a lot of energy. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were out like a light.

The next morning when you woke up the sun hadn't ever risen yet. No matter how much you tried you were unsuccessful at going back to sleep, so you decided to just get up.

You exited the dorms and went out into the courtyard. It was a chilly morning. You zipped your jacket shut and put your hands in your pockets as the cold breeze hit you.

"Aren't you up early?" Ruby said when she saw you. Her and Tenn were the only ones awake except for you. They were seated at one of the benches, Tenn was drawing a picture. You knew that Ruby was an early riser so it didn't surprise you that she was already up and about.

"Yeah, I couldn't go back to sleep." You said with a sigh as you sat down opposite to them. "What are you drawing?"

"I'm drawing all of you." Tenn answered. "I'm probably going to put it up in the music room. To bring some colors to the place, you know."

"That's a good idea." You said and smiled assurlingly at him.

"It's surprisingly cold today." Ruby said with a shiver. You agreed with her.

"I think it would be Saint Patrick's day sometime now." You noted.

"Done!" Tenn said and admired his finished work. He proudly turned it over to show the two of you.

"It looks great." Ruby complimented his drawing. Tenn thanked her with a smile and reached it over to you.

"Could you, maybe go hang it up? You have a great eye for decorating." He asked. You agreed to do it and walked off to the music room with the drawing in your hand.

You chose a spot to hang it up, where it was very visible, and was left there examining the drawing. The whole school was in it, even Rosie. Tenn had drawn you and Louis next to each other, both holding up peace signs. You couldn't help but to smile to yourself.

You and Louis. A warm feeling spread in your stomach as you exited the main building. Almost everyone had woken up by now and the courtyard was significantly more busy than earlier.

"Me, Aasim and Marlon are heading out to the hunting grounds later. You coming with?" Violet approached you.


"Cool. I'll tell you when we're leaving." She said with a small nod.


Author's note:

Hey, thank you for reading the first chapter! I know it was a bit slow but that's how first chapters are. Next one is going to be more exiting, I promise ;)

First written March 14th 2019
Edited August 8th 2021

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