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Since Marlon's passing, you and Louis had spent more time together than ever before. The two of you had been good friends prior to that, but Marlon had always been his top priority. You now had Louis all to yourself and didn't have to share him anymore. Aasim used to refer to Louis as 'Marlon's lap dog' and honestly, you had to agree.

It brought you happiness to know that Louis seemed to enjoy your company. He had also opened up to you about things he never had told you about, and you appreciated that he trusted you that much.

But there was something that bothered you.

Every time you saw him approacing you with that perfect smile of his, the same tingling feeling danced around in your stomach.

You always tried to shake it off and swore to yourself that you would never mention anything about it to anyone. Especially not to him. Even if you'd never really felt that feeling before, it wasn't hard to understand what it was. You hoped it was just something temporary. Louis was your best friend, for god's sake.

You were seated on top of the low brick wall outside of the dorms, reading yet another book. Before the outbreak would you never read books by free will, but now you found it an enjoyable pastime.

You overheard Violet and Louis arguing like usual, and Louis walked off to the shooting target you used as practice, stomping angrily. He started shooting arrows haphazardly and you could tell he was annoyed. You didn't want to bother him, so you let him blow off some steam by himself.

You were in the middle of an exciting chapter when you heard someone clear their throat in front of you. It was Clementine. You hadn't even heard her coming.

"Oh, hi there." You said and put the book down to giver her your full attention.

"Hey... Violet told me to check that everyone is doing something useful..." She said.

"Ah." You uttered, knowing that you weren't really contributing to anything at the moment.

"Don't worry. I'll let this one slide." She said with a light chuckle before walking over to Mitch who was working on constructing a bomb.

Your reading was disrupted yet again by Aasim and Willy loudly fighting about what kind of trap to put up in the hall. It ended with Willy punching Aasim right in the stomach and running off. Aasim went to sit down in one of the sofas and swore loudly from the pain in his abdomen.

Clementine, Violet and Louis all joined him and you couldn't resist to go see what was going on.

"Right on time, (y/n)!" Louis said when he saw you approaching. He motioned for you to sit down so you did. "I've come up with a plan to make everybody feel better. And that plan is a game."

He whipped out the playing cards that he apparently kept in his pocket at all times.

"We haven't played a game in weeks, since that night with Marlon." Violet said. AJ and Tenn also joined you to play.

Louis explained the rules of the game, truth or dare with cards, before passing the deck around. You drew an eight, but Violet ended up with the highest card and made Clementine answer "marry-'flip'-kill" with Ruby, Aasim and the boy she met in the forest.

Next round Clementine dared Aasim to go ask Ruby for a kiss, and all of you burst out in laughter when you saw Ruby hit him. Typical Ruby.

The cards were passed around yet again and this time Louis had the highest card and Clementine had gotten the lowest.

"We've been pretty hard on poor Aasim here, teasing him about sweet Ruby. Seems only fair we mercilessly tease someone else about unrequited love." He said. "So, Clem. Anyone here you like-like?"

Clementine thought about it for a while before answering:

"Yeah... I've definetly got feelings for someone."

"Ooh! Who is it?" Louis asked, intrigued, but Clementine refused to answer.

You drew cards once again, and now, you found yourself with the lowest one. Clementine whooped as she'd once again drawn the highest one.

She pondered about what to ask you for a while, tapping her chin with her index finger. Then she spoke: "You know, (y/n)... I'm just going to shoot the same question I got at you. Anyone you 'like-like'?"

You felt your ears going red, and hoped that they were hidden behind your hair. In no way could you admit that you'd developed a small crush on your best friend. It was probably nothing permanent anyway.

"Nah." You lied. "I don't." You didn't look at the others as you answered, since you didn't want to see their expressions. But none of them pressed the matter afterwards. Perhaps you were a good enough liar.

After that, Tenn sharded his philosophy that walkers would go away one day as a truth from Aasim, and after that you chose to end the game.

Violet said she was headed to the bell tower and Clementine went with her.

"I have piano duty." Louis told you. "You coming?"

"Sure." You said and followed him to the music room.

"Have you noticed that Clementine and Violet have seemed very close lately?" You asked him. "Do you think..."

"Do I think they're secretly an item? Yes." He answered. "I wonder when we're getting the wedding invitations."

You laughed lightly before going quiet. You thought about what Clementine had told you, about how she thought that you and Louis were a couple. But you chose to not bring it up.

"I've... I've been having really terrible nightmares lately." Louis then admitted out of the blue.

"About what?" You asked.

"About you. You getting kidnapped or killed by the raiders."

You felt his gaze on you, but you couldn't find it in you to meet his eyes, so you kept staring down on the piano keys.

You didn't know what to say. You couldn't tell him that you weren't going to get kidnapped or killed or some other corny shit, because frankly, you couldn't know that.

"You don't have to say anything. I get it" Louis said, as if he had read your mind. "Just know, that I will do anything I can to protect you, (y/n)."

You felt a blush spreading across your cheeks, and you were at a loss of words. To hide your reddend face you pulled him into a hug.

"I promise I'll protect you too. You're my best friend, Louis." You said.

"If we happen to get kidnapped or killed, we should put our mark here. You know, so that if anyone comes here one day, they'll know this was our place." He said.


Louis brought out his knife and carved both your names into the worn out piano.


"I'd carve today's date too, but I have no idea what date it is." He said and put the knife back.

Afterwards the two of you returned back to the courtyard. It was dark by now and the sky was starlit. It was calm until Clementine and AJ came down from the outlook tower with serious expressions.

"They're here."


Thank you for reading this chapter!

I just played the last episode... I cried like a fucking baby, completely bawled my eyes out. I'm still not okay like oh my gosh.

First written March 28th 2019
Edited August 9th 2021

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