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That night falling asleep was completely impossible.

You just tossed and turned for hours on end, but you couldn't calm your nerves or stop your thougths from running wild. Horrible images of what could happen refused to leave your mind.

In the end you gave up and got out of bed. Outside was pitch black, the only source of light was the moon and the stars. You sighed and sat down at the desk in your room. Someone could come knocking on your door any second to tell you it was time to leave. You felt like you could throw up from the nervosity.

Was it just you that felt like this? Or was everyone struggling just as much?

You heard a door open in the corridor and steps walking back and forth. You knew Tennessee had a habit of wandering when he was anxious or deep in thought.

You stood up from the desk and made your way out of your dorm room, making sure to not make too much noise as you opened your door.

"Hey, Tenn." You said in a low voice. "Can't sleep either?"

"No... I'm scared, (y/n)." He whispered and looked at the ground.

"So am I." You said with a sigh.

"I wish... I wish I was as brave as AJ." Tenn confessed with a saddened face.

"What do you mean? I think you're really brave." You tried to cheer him up.

Further discussion was interrupted by another door swinging open. Out came AJ and Clementine.

"It's time." She said with a serious face.

You started your long walk after waking up Louis, Ruby and Willy. It felt like the group was so small where you walked together, now that there were three of you missing.

The forest at night was something nothing short of spectacular. You couldn't put your finger on if it was mysterious, creepy or facinating. As a child had you heard many myths and legends about creatures roaming the woods.

For the most part everyone was completely silent throughout the whole walk, either from fatigue or nervosity.

You walked besides Louis, and despite the dark could you see the frown on his face. You reached out your hand, and he took it and held it tightly. The knot in your stomach dissolved slightly as his touch was comforting to you.

Clementine looked so determined. And brave. Nothing about her displayed any kind of weakness. That was something you had to admit you admired about her. How incredibly fierce and daring she was. You could tell who AJ had been raised by.

It felt like you had walked for only fifteen minutes, even though it most likely had gone much longer, when the river appeared in front of you. There stood an old ship at the pier. It looked ghostly, but also magnificent in some way.

On the top deck shone a large spotlight down at the shore. Getting aboard it wouldn't be easy. Perhaps they'd amped up their surveillance since their attack on the school? Maybe they knew you were coming?

A bit farther up on land, on the edge of the forest, stood multiple horses. Big stacks of hay were also visible. Soon enough would you and Ruby be there, lighting those on fire.

A gunshot was heard and a walker that had been approacing the boat fell to the ground with a thud. They had snipers.

Clementine grabbed the dead walker when it seemed safe and dragged it to the side where all of you stood.

"Ugh, I guess we're really doing this." Rudy said with a gulp.

"Only the team blending in with the walkers need to cover themselves." Clementine said and you took a sigh of relief.

"Now we just need your walker friend to..."

Ruby was interrupted by AJ who announced that he was here. A young man with what looked like a mask from the Halloween department in stores stood behind you. He sounded incredibly awkward when he greeted you and stared with wide eyes.

"Guys, this is James." Clementine stepped in. Everyone just looked at him speechlessly.

"He's so cool!" Willy said loudly and approched him.

James asked Clementine if they could talk, only the two of them. She agreed and they walked off.

"Hey Tenn? Come here buddy. I gotta tell you something." Louis said. You then remembered everything about Sophie and Minnie, and the fact that Tenn still had no idea. You made eye contact with Louis and nodded at him. Tenn needed to know.

You and Ruby walked a bit to the side and observed the place where they kept the horses.

"So... When they're distracted by the walkers we grab one of the torches, go and set the hay on fire and set free the horses." You recapped. "What do we do then? They'll most likely come running after that."

"I guess we'll have to sprint into the forest... And try to not get eaten by walkers."

You nodded and walked back to where the others were. It felt a bit more comforting now that you'd ran through the plan multiple times in your head. You wouldn't fuck up.

You found Louis standing by a tree, looking over the old boat. "How did Tenn react?" You asked.

"He was surprisingly calm about it." Louis told you. "He's spent all this time thinking they were dead, so he wasn't excatly devastated when I told him Sophie was."

You stood there together for a while without saying anything. The fact that this could potentially be the last time you saw each other plagued both of your minds.

"Promise me you'll be careful." You said and met his gaze.

"Pinky promise that we'll both be careful? And that we both will make it out alive?" He asked, his playful nature shining through despite the seriousness in the situation, and stuck out his pinky.

You smirked and connected your pinkies. He flashed you that smile you were so weak for before pulling you into a tight hug.

"Wait, I actually have something I wanted to give you." Louis said as you broke the embrace. You looked at him with a confused expression. He pulled up his sleeve to reveal a simple gold chain bracelet.

"Hold on, how have I never noticed you were wearing that?" You asked as he removed it.

"Give me your arm." He demanded. You tried to protest but he wouldn't have it.

"My mom gave it to me on her last visit. Before all this." He said, and you could see the sadness flash in his eyes. "She told me, that I should give it to the person who's most important to me, when the day comes. The same way dad had given it to her once. You're the most important person to me, (y/n). You should have it."

"I-" You wanted to say something, but you were utterly speechless. You just stared in shock at the thin golden chain on your wrist.

"It suits you."

"Thank you so much, Louis. I..."

"You don't have to thank me." He said with a soft smile.

"It's ready." You heard AJ say. Louis joined him and Clementine as they were the ones who were going to blend in with the walkers.

You mentally prepared yourself for what was to come. It wouldn't be easy. But you were determined to make it.

You promised Louis.


Thank you for reading this chapter! <3

First written April 11th 2019
Edited August 10th 2021

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