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The next few weeks were spent making the school as secure as possible against the raiders. The school grounds didn't look as homey as before, now they just looked like a warzone. You also had to be careful when walking about in the courtyard, since the place was littered with traps.

AJ was still bedridden, although he was slowly but surely recovering. The kid was certainly strong. Not many five-year-olds could get shot and make a full recovery.

You were helping Omar to put debris in front of one of the gates, when you could see Clementine and Violet talking to each other on the other side of the courtyard. It was hard to miss how close the two of them had gotten lately. You smirked as you thought about it.

You did of course not know if they were just great friends, but what you did know is that they would look good together. You weren't going to ask them about it anytime soon though, you wouldn't want them to think that you had been snooping.

You had also noticed how tired Louis was becoming tired of all the working. He was getting restless and whiny. He often refused to do his part and would just lounge around instead.

"Stop being such a baby." Violet had complained to him one day. "Everyone else is working so why can't you?"

Louis crossed his arms in front of his chest in retaliation and glared daggers at Violet as she walked away.

"Hey there, you grouch." You said and wiped your dirty hands on your pants.

"Not you too."

"Nah. I thought I would take a small break." You said. The two of you sat down next to each other on the steps to the main buiding. You remembered how Marlon often used to sit there, and now he was gone.

The courtyard looked so different compared to what it used to. Walker heads on poles, large wooden spikes and walls to hide behind. You examined what you'd accomplished during the last weeks. Hopefully it would be of help in case the raiders actually came knocking like that boy with the skin had said they would. Otherwise you'd gotten yourself a sore back for nothing.

"Everyone is so on edge." Louis said with a sigh. "We all have that thought in the back of our heads, that the raiders could be here any minute. Sleeping with one eye open and never leaving our weapons behind."

You observed Louis profile, and how his eyes turned an amber color in the sunlight.

"When did it become like that? Humans fighting against each other instead of the walkers, the real enemy." He asked and turned to face you, meeting your gaze.

"You're starting to sound like a new generation Plato." You joked to lighten the mood.

"Plato?" He asked and gave you a confused look.

"Nevermind." You said and shook your head. "It was some greek man who said a bunch of weird stuff. I read about him in a book I found in the headmaster's office."

"Oh? You think I'm weird?"


A few days later, AJ was back on his feet. He was now sporting a shirt with Disco Broccoli on it. You smiled at the memory of the late kids' show.

"Did you watch Disco Broccoli?" You asked Louis.

"You bet I did. Got up at seven every Saturday morning just to watch it."

"You're so weird."

Clementine had asked if someone could assist her in making some kind of wooden obstacle, so you volunteered just because you saw it as an opportunity to get to know her better.

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