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The leaves had started falling, coloring the woods in oranges and yellows.

The breeze was cool, but the sun still warmed the side of your face as you sat on top of the brick wall outside the dorms.

You watched as Ruby and Aasim walked around holding hands and a smile spread across your face. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

Next to you sat Louis with a dreamy expression, staring into nothingness in front of him.

"What are you thinking about?" You asked and poked him in the side. He gave you a sly smirk before answering:


"Oh." You said, caught slightly off guard.

"Do you think about me, too?" He asked as he leaned closer and wiggled his eyebrows. It didn't look suggestive at all, only silly.

"No, I think about myself." You answered, voice dripping wih sarcasm.

"I get it. If I looked as good as you do, I'd also think about myself." He said and straightened up, obviously proud of himself.

"Oh my gosh, you're making me flustered."

"(Y/n)! That's not how flirting works!" Louis exclaimed. "Now it's your turn to compliment me."

"You're such a weirdo." You said and rolled your eyes, but a smile still spread across your lips.

"I said compliment, not insult."

It had gone a week since that night. Clementine was still in bed and Ruby suspected that it would take at least a few more weeks until she'd be up on her feet again. Or foot, rather.

AJ had gotten more independent when Clemetine couldn't be by his side at all times, and he was learning how to do more things on his own. All of you trusted that he could take care of himself, but Louis still felt like he had a sort of guardian role and would spend quite a lot of time with him.

Violet was rarely seen. She was at Clementine's side at all times, it was almost like she was bedridden too. You admired her loyalty and wondered if Louis would do the same if you two were in their shoes. You knew you'd do it for him at least.

Tenn's funeral had been held a few days ago. You had buried some of his drawings, and AJ had insisted that you bury the policeman and fireman too. The circumstances surrounding his death were truly sad, but hopefully he was in that better place he used to draw.

Since Marlon's passing, you had started expanding the safe zone. Now you had a much greater area to hunt, and it had already proven to pay off. You had to watch out for the area close to the river though, since there still was an array of walkers there.

Aasim and Willy had seen some houses a bit south of the train station when they were cleaning up and expaning the safe zone.

"If we don't find food, we might at least find something that could be of use. Like clothes or shoes." Aasim had said. All of you agreed and a group was heading out in a few days.

You and Ruby had taken on working in the greenhouse. You liked the atmosphere there. How calm it was, all the differet smells and the way the light transformed through the glass roofing. You were already growing spices to perfect Omar's cooking.

One sunny day, you and Louis were sitting together on the bridge at the fishing lodge. Your feet were dangling over the edge as you looked at the water underneath and the occasional fish swimming against the current.

"You know, there's something I've never told you." You said and moved your gaze from the stream to Louis' eyes.

"Really?" He said, sightly surprised. "I thought I knew everything about you, but apparently not."

You smiled and shook your head before turning serious.

"Do you remember that I told you about Iris?" You asked and he nodded. "When... When the camp got overrun by walkers, I thought I was going to die. A walker had cornered me against the trailer wall and I had just kind of accepted that I was going to die in that moment. But Iris jumped in front of the walker and shouted at me to run away. I only heard her screams as she was killed."

You took a deep breath before continuing.

"She saved my life two times. If it wasn't for Iris would I not be sitting here right now." You said and locked eyes with Louis. "And... I wouldn't have met you."

"I'm really glad that isn't the case."

You sat there for a while, just enjoying each other's presence. You watched as the leaves slowly fell towards the ground in the light autumn breeze.

"Should we head back?" You asked, and he agreed.

"I can't describe how glad I am that both of us are here, together. Unharmed." He said as he offered a hand to help you stand up, and his eyes sparkled when he smiled and planted a small kiss on your cheek.

The golden bracelet on your wrist shone in the afternoon sun as you intertwined your hands.



The end.

First written April 22nd 2019
Edited August 10th 2021

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