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Of course it was the piano Louis wanted to show off. When AJ set his eyes on it he looked surprised and confused at the same time. Poor guy had probably never seen one in his life. When Louis pressed down a G key, AJ quickly jolted backwards.

"It's okay." You told him. "That's called a piano. It creates music."

AJ looked very curious by now. The foul mood had completely washed away. "I like music!" He said.

"Me too. And I happen to be very good at playing the piano." Louis said with a grin. He sat down and started playing one of the songs he had played oh so many times before.

AJ was absolutely mesmerized by the music. He stood completely still and listened happily to Louis playing. Louis looked over at you and met your eyes. You smiled at him and nodded approvingly. AJ even started swinging along to the melody a bit towards the end.

When he finished the song with a dramatic bow, you walked up next to him. You spoke in a silent voice to make sure AJ couldn't hear you:

"I'll go see how things are going with the girl. Will you be fine watching him by yourself?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine." Louis answered with a smile. "We get along great, don't we, AJ?"

You laughed lighlty as you headed for the door. "Yes, you boys stay in here and I'll see you soon." You heard AJ question where you were going, but you left it up to Louis to answer that. You knew that the boy would want to come with you if he knew where you were going.

When you entered the dorms you saw Tenn come out of one of the rooms that wasn't in use anymore. You presumed that's where the girl was being kept.

"How's she doing?" You asked him in a hushed voice.

"She hurt her head. But I think she's okay." Tenn answered, uncertain. "She hasn't woken up yet, but Ruby said that it shouldn't be long until she wakes up. We haven't found any bite marks but we tied her up just in case."

"That's great. Thanks, Tenn." Satisfied with your answer, you exited the dorms again, not wanting to be a nuisance to Ruby who was caring for the injured girl. You were heading back to the music room when Marlon, who had been seated on the steps outside the main building, stopped you.

"I tried to talk with the little kid. He straight up screamed at me to fuck off." He said and shook his head, looking defeated. "He seems to like Louis though."

"That he does." You answered with a chuckle. It actually surprised you how good Louis was with kids. He clearly handeled AJ better than you did.

Not too long after that the young woman woke up. Her name was Clementine. She seemed nice, but most of all totally badass. She'd apparently been surviving on her own with AJ for quite a while now. You decided that you would try and get to know her when you got the chance.

The whole next day went by as usual, until late that night when Clementine, AJ, Louis and Violet came back to the school with multiple bags completely filled with food. They hadn't told you that they were going somewhere, and that put you off slightly, but all the food certainly made up for that.

You hadn't seen that much food in many years. That evening you ate well for the first time since the dead started living.

Though, it was revealed that they had met a stranger at the train station who had demanded that they give food to him. Clementine said she pushed him out of a window into a pack of walkers, but Brody still flipped out. Marlon tried to calm her down, but she pushed him to the ground and ran away.

Dinner carried on in an uncomfortable silence after she'd stormed away, no one dared to add to the fire. Marlon went to search for Brody afterwards and everyone else called it a night and headed to their respective rooms.

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