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Flashback to (y/n) as a child:

"Eat up, sweetheart."

A worn out bowl was pushed in front of you on the wooden table.

You eagerly grabbed a spoon and started shoving the soup into your mouth.

"I know you've been hungry, honey. I wish I could give you all the food in the world... But I can't."

A court knock was heard on the door, and it swung open to reveal a young woman standing in the darkness.

"Iris. We need you in the emergency room. Now."

Iris immediately stood up from her chair without any questions and grabbed her coat from the hanger.

"I have to go with Juliet, (y/n). I'll be back soon, don't worry."

And with that she sprinted out into the snowstorm.

You were used to this. Iris was an educated doctor and everybody relied on her in cases of injury or sickness.

In your lonesome you ate up the last remaining spoons of soup. You couldn't remember the last time you had eaten a proper meal like that.

You looked out of the round, foggy window but the only thing you could see was the heavy snow as it fell to the ground. You shuddered from the cold even though you had a blanket draped over your shoulders.

The trailer always got cold in the winter. Iris used to say that you had to see things from the bright side, you were lucky you didn't live in a tent.

With a full stomach you made your way to your bed and laid down. It was cold even with two blankets.

You wanted to stay awake until Iris returned, but your eyelids felt so heavy, and you couldn't stop yawning.

You were aready asleep when the door was carefully opened. Iris took a deep sigh as she removed the snow-covered jacket. The wrinkle between her eyebrows was more evident than ever as she wore a look of defeat.

She walked quietly to where you were sleeping peacefully and tucked you in.

"Oh (y/n). I don't know what to do anymore." She whispered as she looked at the child sleeping in front of her. "I won't let anything happen to you."

The next morning a funeral was held. Yet another one of you had fallen victim to famine. The crop had failed last spring and since then had your numbers decreased significantly. Everyone just kept dying, either from hunger or the intense cold.

Crying echoed throughout the valley and no one said a single word. After facing so much death, you kind of get used to it. It had almost become a weekly ritual.

The all too familiar sound of walkers groaning and pushing against the steel fence could be heard, but everybody had become selective to the sound.

Iris had her hand on your shoulder and held you close as you watched the heartbroken family mourn the loss of a loved one.

Everyone walked up to the grave one by one to pay their respects before hurrying back inside their homes.

It was the coldest winter in many years. The snow reached up to your knees and no one had clothes warm enough to be outside for long periods of time.

If Mathilde's calendar was correct should it have been the middle of February.

"It's spring soon. We only have to endure a few more weeks until it starts to get warmer." Iris had reassured you.

The days felt awfully long when you were forced to stay inside the small trailer. There was nothing to do. You were only a child and you had the need to play and have fun. Iris tried her best to come up with games or tell you stories, but they were never amusing for long.

Iris loved you like her own. You looked nothing alike and had very different personalities, but she had taken you under her wing.

The whole shitstorm had broken out while you were walking home from school on a regular Wednesday. In front of you on the sidewalk you witnessed a man attack and eat up your classmate. Iris had been out on her porch and saw it all happen. If it wasn't for her, you would have been dead.

Something that Iris had never told you was that she had been unable to have any kids of her own, and she thought of you as her own child.

"Can you sing me something?" You asked Iris with puppy eyes. You were sat in the trailer's tiny sofa.

"Of course. Anything in particular you want to hear?" She asked you with a warm smile. The wrinkles under her eyes became more visible when she smiled.

You shook your head and made Iris choose a song. She smirked as she begun to clap a rythm. You joined in as she started singing.

Oh, my darling!
Oh, my darling!
Oh my darling (y/n).
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry, (y/n).


(Y/n)'s backstory? Heck yeah.

Thank you for reading this chapter!!! It was a bit shorter, but I have to admit that I'm proud of this chapter :))

First written April 12th 2019
Edited August 10th 2021

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