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Soon enough, Violet approached you, geared up with with a hunting bow

"Hey (y/n), we're about to head out." She told you without meeting your eyes.

"Yep, I'm coming."

Violet, Marlon and Aasim stood ready in front of the gate, and you joined them as you exited the school grounds together. You started walking along the path that led to the hunting grounds.

"What do you guys think we'll get today? Rabbit?" You jokingly asked, fully aware that that was close to the only wild animals that lived in the area any longer. The rest had either been scared away or gone extinct.

"If we're even that lucky." Aasim muttered. "At least Louis isn't here slowing us down."

"Aasim. Don't be such a dick." Violet shut him up, and you silently agreed. Aasim seemed to have something unspoken with Louis and had had so for quite a while.

Marlon was walking a couple steps ahead of you and pretended that he couldn't hear anything. Typical Marlon, not interviening even when someone personally attacked his best friend. You had to stop yourself from scowling.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against him. It's just... He never takes shit seriously." Aasim defended himself.

You got Aasim's point. Louis could be a little irresponsible at times, but everyone has their flaws. Even though it could be seen as negative from some aspects, that was one of the reasons why you liked to spend time with Louis so much. He was light-hearted never failed to cheer you up. Louis could always be trusted to make the best of any situation.

When you arrived at the hunting grounds you split up into pairs and went in different directions. Aasim and Marlon went to the left, you and Violet to the right.

There wasn't much of a discussion between the two of you, but it wasn't needed. You and Violet got along well, but you knew she wasn't the small-talk type. Sometimes, silence was a better option as opposed to chatting about useless things.

"Look, there's one!" You whispered to her, as not scare away the rabbit that sat a few feet in front of you, sniffing on a stick on the ground. She aimed and released the arrow, hitting the poor litte rabbit square on. "Nice shot."

You were walking towards the dead rabbit when a loud boom echoed through the woods. All the crows flew away in fear, and for a minute afterwards it was dead silent. Your ears were ringing slightly, and Violet had taken up a fighting stance. None of you said anything, but looked around you in an attempt to find the source of the deafening sound.

Then you heard quick steps coming from behind you. Violet quickly aimed her bow in the direction of the footsteps, ready to shoot whoever emerged.

"(Y/n)! Violet! What the fuck was that? Gosh, we thought you had been shot there for a second." Marlon came panting, and held up his hands when he saw he was being aimed at by Violet. Aasim was following closely behind him.

"We have to go see what that was. That was no gun." You said with a fierce expression. The others reluctantly agreed.

"It came from that direction." Violet said and pointed to the south.

"The train station." You gasped as it dawned on you. You hadn't been there in almost a year now. It wasn't long after you arrived at the school that it was ruled out from the safe zone. Who could be so stupid that they went there? The whole place was like a walker hangout spot.

"Take this and head back to the school." You hurriedly told Aasim and handed the rabbit to him. He took it and immediately got on his way back without a word.

The three of you that were left started jogging in the direction that Violet had pointed to. When the old train station came into view from between the trees it was like a scene straight from a nightmare. Hundreds of walkers had been led there because of the explosion, and they were groaning loudly, a sign that they were hunting something. Or someone. You heard Marlon curse under his breath.

"What the hell? Look at that!" Violet hissed and pointed at a red car. It looked like there were two alive humans inside of it, and they were struggling to get the car started and flee from the walkers.

"Should we just go back? It's not worth risking our lives for this..." Marlon said while the three of you observed how the situation unfolded. He started to back away slowly, cowering from the sight of all the walkers.

It looked like the driver finally got control over the car and tried to put it in reverse. But without warning it shot forward and tumbled down the steep hill, creating yet another commotion.

Without thinking you sprinted towards the wreck. The car had landed on it's roof and it didn't look promising for the two passangers. But you had to know for sure if they made it or not, otherwise it would haunt you forever. These were two humans, and those were rare nowadays.

You heard Violet following closely behind you, but you didn't know if Marlon also was. It wouldn't surprise you if the wuss had decided not to help.

When you reached the car the walkers were dangerously close. You crouched down to get a look inside the wreck, and to your surprise a little boy was  inside the car, safe and sound but a bit shaken. You unbuckled his seatbelt and dragged him out of the car.

"No... Don't..." You heard from the inside the wreck. It sounded like the voice of a young woman. Your eyes immediately widened. She couldn't have bern much younger that yourself. Violet hurried to help her while you took care of all the threatening walkers with your knife, all while keeping the little boy protected behind you.

"Come and help us, you piece of shit!" Violet shouted to Marlon who had just been watching you from the edge of the forest.

He made a grimace, but reluctantly came over. He threw the unconcious girl over his shoulder and you took the little boy's hand.

"We'll take you and your friend somewhere safe. Now we need to run." You told him. He nodded and the four of you set off running, the walkers following close behind.

When you finally arrived at Ericson's everyone was waiting for you at the gate. Worried expression painted their faces. Seeing the knocked out girl over Marlon's shoulder didn't help either.

"What happened?"

"Who are these people?"

"Is she alive?"

"Are they bitten?"

"We'll tell you all later. Now you need to give us some space. Ruby, could you take a look at her? She's hurt." Marlon said to stop all the questions. "Please go on with what you were doing."

Only when you felt a tug on your arm did you realize that you were still squeezing the little boy's hand. You quickly let go of it and apologized to him.

"And who do we have here?" Louis came sweeping towards you.

"AJ." The boy said grumpily and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"How about me and (y/n) look after you until your friend feels better?" Louis asked and crouched down to AJ's height. The small boy shook his head and refused to look at Louis.

"No!" AJ said firmly with a stomp to the ground. Both you and Louis were slightly taken aback by the kid's behaviour.

"I promise we're nice. And a lot of fun." You said, trying to convince him, and Louis nodded in agreement. AJ didn't answer you. He just looked in the direction to where they had taken the young woman.

Louis stood up straight, met your eyes and shrugged. You just raised an eyebrow in response, as to tell him that he needed to try something else. The boy couldn't be left alone unsupervised.

"I have something I think you'll like!"


Author's note:

Thank you for reading part two! I'm already working on part three so it should be coming pretty soon! :)

First written March 16th 2019
Edited August 8th 2021

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