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The next day, Louis wasn't at all like his usual, goofy and confident self. You didn't blame him in any means though. He just lost his best friend since childhood.

You wanted to be there for him, to support him through this difficult chapter, but at the same time you knew he needed some space.

Marlon and Brody's funeral was to be held already the next morning. Now you didn't know whose death you mourned more. After finding out what Marlon had done to Sophie and Minerva you were furious, but you couldn't see past the fact that he accepted you and let you stay at the school a year ago.

You didn't know Brody that all that well, but she was always nice to you and you respected her a lot. Her prescence would surely be missed. Something in you didn't want to miss Marlon after what was revealed.

When you woke up you went outside, in front of the greenhouse, where the school had their little graveyard. Everyone else was already there, digging two graves with only spoons and old cups. Everyone except for Louis. You walked up to Mitch and Willy who were constructing two wooden crosses to mark Brody and Marlon's resting places.

"Have you seen Louis?"

"Nope." Mitch answered without tearing his eyes from his project. "I think he's still in his room."

You thanked him and headed straight back to the dorms. You stood right in front of Louis' door for a while, contemplating whether you wanted to disturb him or not. You slowly raised your fist and knocked the typical "shave and a haircut"- rythm, and after that you could hear heavy steps approach the door.

Louis looked like he hadn't slept at all. You felt so sorry for him, but you were also a bit worried. He looked at you through the crack in the door with an utterly broken expression.

Without saying a single word crashed right into him and enveloped him in a tight hug. You felt him relax in your arms as he hugged you back.

After a while you let go of him and looked him right in the eyes, still standing close to him.

"Let's go and say goodbye to Marlon." You whispered. He made a small nod and followed you to where the funeral was being held.

You all said you last farewells to the two you had lost. Tenn had drawn a picture of a beach and put it on her grave, because Brody always used to talk about going to the beach. When it was Violet's turn to say something in memory Marlon, she just frustratedly expressed:

"I can't. Not for Marlon. After what he did to the twins and Brody, I..."

You could sense Louis tense up next to you, but he didn't say anything.

"You didn't even like Brody! You were always mean to her." Willy countered.

"I can't. Someone else do it." Violet said before walking off.

"Bitch." Mitch muttered after her.

"Dude, don't." Louis told him, and you shot Mitch a glare and shook your head at his childish action.

"Seriously Louis? He was you best friend." Mitch spat back at him. Louis' expression immediately changed, and he looked very upset. You touched Louis' arm as a way to say: 'don't mind him, he's an ass'.

Mitch then went on to verbally attack AJ, and Clementine tried her best to defend him. She admitted that AJ's action was wrong and that he would better himself. He was only a kid after all.

"I know I'm a murderer." AJ said, sounding regretful. "But I'm gonna a-atone."

"Fuck. I can't listen to this." Louis uttered and walked away. You watched his back as he disappeared, but decided not to follow him immediately.

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