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"Oh my gosh, look at them!" Ruby exclaimed and pointed towards the boat.

On the top deck were AJ and Clementine. The boat was quickly capsizing and they wouldn't have much time to get off it. They were hanging off of the railings, with the water filled with walkers beneath them.

Watching them struggle without being able to help felt horrible. Your heart almost stopped when Clemetine was left hanging over the murky water by only a loose steel bar.

At last they made it onto the pier, and after taking out one of the remaining raiders they started running towards the shore.

The boat was now tipping over dangerously fast, and for a second it looked like they wouldn't make it.

A huge cloud of smoke filled the air on the shore when the boat finally capsized completely, making it impossible to see if they made it or not. Your breath hitched and it was hard to look at the scene. You still hadn't seen any signs of Louis.

There was no end to the constant flood of walkers, Willy was shooting them with his bow while you used your knife to take them out. They had been drawn to the area by the gunfire and the explosion.

Two of the still standing raiders were trying to fight off a whole pack of walkers. They struggled for a while but found themselves surrounded.

"(Y/n)! Ruby! Willy!" You heard a shout. Behind some boxes on the shore stood Aasim waving at you. You were relieved to see that he was okay. It seemed like the raiders hadn't hurt those that they captured. At least not badly.

"There's no end to these little shits! Take them down!" You heard one of the raiders demand. The other then directed her rifle right to where you stood.

She pulled the trigger and it felt like slow motion when you saw the bullet coming right in your direction. You quickly jolted to the side and felt the single bulled as it touched your hair, missing your head only by an inch.

You threw yourself onto the ground and hid behind the cart, trying to calm yourself down after the close call. You heard your heart pouning on your ears and you squeezed your eyes tightly shut.

"(Y/n)!" A hand was placed on your shoulder. You felt like you could cry from the sound of his voice. "Let's get in the cart."


He dragged you up to your feet and led you into the cart where Aasim, Omar, Willy and Violet already were. Ruby was seated on the horseback, ready to take off towards the school.

Louis hadn't gotten into the cart yet when yet another explosion echoed over the shore. The horse reared out of panick from the ear piercing sound before taking off in a high speed.

You grabbed Louis' arm and forcefully pulled him into the cart with you.

"Clem!" Violet shouted, and only then did you notice what was going on. Clementine and AJ became smaller and smaller the farther the horse galloped through the woods. You barely caught a glimpse of a red headed figure wielding an axe.

Ruby finally got control over the animal after an uncomfortable and high-speed ride through the forest and lowered the speed.

"We really did it, huh?" You heard Aasim say behind you.

"But we still don't know if Clem and AJ made it." You said worriedly and looked around in the cart. "Tenn isn't here either."

As the horse trotted onwards the surroundings slowly became more familiar. You couldn't help but sigh from relief. It was over now.

You suddenly remebered the bracelet Louis had given you and lifted up your sleeve. The gold shone back at you in the moonlight as you stared at it.

You looked up to meet Louis' gaze. A small smile spread across his lips and the starlit sky was reflected in his brown eyes.

For a moment you wondered how in the world you had gotten so lucky, unknowing that the same thought was going through his mind.

Willy jumped out of the cart to open the gate, and only when you saw the familiar school grounds did you feel like you could properly breathe again.

To your relief was everyone unharmed, except for Omar who was shot in the leg when the raiders invaded the school, and Violet who had burned one of her hands when shielding her face from the explosion.

"I have to go look for them." Violet said, her voice filled with determination.

"Violet, it's too dangerous." Aasim tried to tell her, but she wouldn't have it. Without a word she walked right back out of the gate and disappeared from your sight.

Ruby immediately wanted to take a look at Omar's leg, and Willy went on lookout duty just in case.

You saw a familiar, tall figure approaching you. He enveloped you in a hug so hard it almost knocked you to the ground. You felt yourself relaxing in his arms. Thank god.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Louis asked.

"I'm okay, I only had a close call." You reassured him. "What about you?"

"Not a scratch. Only several close calls." He said with a chuckle. He let go out you and flashed you a grin before leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips.

"Hey, Aasim! You owe me a read in your diary!" You heard a shout from the lookout tower. "I won the bet, they are dating!"

"It's not a diary!"

After a few hours of waiting impatiently you heard the rusty gate as it creaked open. Waiting for it to be Clementine, AJ, Tenn and Violet were you surprised to see only the latter.

"Where's the others?"

"Tenn didn't make it." Violet mumbled and shook her head. "I don't know about Clem and AJ."


You all stared in disbelief. Tenn was gone.

You wanted to ask her what happened to the young boy, but chose against it.

The sun started rising and there was still no sign of Clementine or AJ. All of you were growing more and more worried by the minute.

Violet hadn't said a single word since she arrived back so you had no idea what had happened. Surely this was very hard for her. It was for all of you.

Clementine and AJ were the strongest people you had ever met. Them being dead felt highly impossible. They had to be alive and well somewhere, right?

It was now the middle of the day. None of you had slept or eaten anything. Everyone was all jittery, and conversation was minimal.

"They're here!" Willy shouted suddenly, and jumped down from the tower to open the gate.

"Oh my god."

In came a limping Clementine, supporting herself with the help of AJ and the handle of an axe. They both looked completey exhausted.

You couldn't help but to flinch when you saw her. Her left leg was gone.


Thanks for reading this chapter! This story is really getting to its end :')

First written April 20th 2019
Edited August 10th 2021

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