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"So, turns out this app is definitely not trash, it does block unwanted callers, but it also stops you from making phone calls or texts you'll regret in the morning. It scans your eye and knows what you're feeling" Seth explains to Vince. He shrugs making Seth worry.

"Alright, I like it. What were you thinking about for the ad?" He asks making Seth smile immediately. "Well, I was thinking that there's a guy who gets into a fight with his girlfriend and gets drunk. He's about to call her and argue, but this app stops him. They make up the next day and boom! Play 'bow down to the king' because he successfully got out of an agurememt with his woman" Seth explains making Vince nod.

"I love it!"


"Ha! I am good! My sperm count is higher than Johnny Dep's net worth! Call me super sperm!" Dean yells as him and Renee exit the clinc. Renee crosses her arms as her eyes fill up with water. "You do realize that means something is wrong with me then, right?" She sighs deeply before the tear runs down her cheek.

"I-" Dean starts, but gets cut off. "You know, you can be so insensitive sometimes" She says as she chokes on tears making Dean hug her. She sobs into his chest before pushing away. "Sleep at Seth's tonight, mr super sperm" she sighs before walking off.

Dean's heart breaks even more as he watches the woman he loves walk away. 'God, I'm an ass' he thinks as he walks to a bus stop.


Seth and Sasha walk hand-in-hand into his place as she plants a wet kiss on his neck. He pulls her inside and pushes her up against the wall. "God, you're beautiful" He sighs before connecting their lips, lovingly.

Sasha smiles into the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck, deeping the kiss. "I love your lips, damn" Sasha whispers as he hoists her up making her wrap his legs around her waist.

"Ahem" Dean smiles making Seth gasp as he pulls away from Sasha. He rolls his eyes and put Sasha down once he realized it was Ambrose.

"God, how did you even get in here?" He asks as Sasha intertwins their finger which Dean takes account of. "The key" He smiles making Seth groan. "It's for emergencies, only"

"Renee told me to stay here tonight" Dean explains making Seth whine. "But, Sasha was going to stay here tonight" Seth explains while whining like a little kid. "It's alright, I'll see you later Seth" She says as she turns to him.

She pecks his lips before slowly letting go of his hand. "Bye" He exclaims. "Bye baby" Sasha smiles as she walks out. Seth turns back to an amused Dean. "Baby, beautiful, holding hands and goodbye kisses, my man Seth's in a relationship" Dean teases.

"Sorry, I'm really not, it's just a thing" Seth lies as his face gets hot. He really was falling for the purple haired girl. "Ugh, if I tell you something, you can't tell anyone" Seth says making Dean nod in agreement.

"Sasha and I are not even a thing, we just hang out sometimes"

A/N Three updates in one day? I swear I'm not drunk ;) imma update once more 😎

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