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"Well would you look at that" Dean points out as he finds a picture of Seth, Roman, Charlotte and himself as 10 year-old kids. Seth slowly strolls in.

"Damn, look who decided to show up" Roman sighs as he holds onto Charlotte's hand. Charlotte gritted her teeth when he realized he brought a date.

"This is Mandy" Seth smirks as he shows off his blonde date. He pecks her lips before Charlotte rolls her eyes.

"Here's Dayna, the date I brought for you to meet" She says with an annoyed tone. Seth shrugs as he talks to Mandy. Roman and Dean try to calm down Charlotte before Renee chimes in.

"How do you do it?" She says making Seth smirk. He shrugs at her saying as they order drinks before dinner.

"I'm going to go to the lady's room" Dayna says with an awkward smile. They wave her off before their gaze falls on Seth.

"I'm gonna take my drink and take a couple selfies outside" Mandy says as she gets up. Seth's hand trails along her waist as she exits the restaurant.

"You're an ass you know that? I told you I was bring Danya here for you to meet her" Charlotte rants as Seth rolls his eyes. He sits up and adjusts his suit listening to her talk.

"I told you, I won't date her, you know my rules" He says as Roman makes a face. Roman indeed was probably the most tired of hearing Seth's rules.

"Fuck yo' rules" He spits out as Renee hums in agreement. Seth chuckles before clearing his throat to speak.

"They're straight forward. There's only three, don't touch my camera, take off your shoes in my house, and if your a friend of my friend, I won't date you" He explains for the one hundredth time. Dean groans making Renee grab his hand.

"I just hope you know you're not bring one of those hoes to my wedding" Charlotte spits out making him smirk.

"You're right, I'm bringing two" He fires back before Charlotte leaps over the table to slap him, but Roman's muscular arms stop her.

"Now why you gotta say some dumb shit like that?" Roman huffs out as Charlotte glares at Seth from across the table.

"Honestly, I bet you could never get a real girlfriend" Renee says shaking her head making Seth arch his eyebrow.

"I would get one, but it's like after I sleep with them, my interest in them suddenly disappears" He smirks making Dean scoff.

"You ain't nothing, but a dog" Dean says making Roman shout an 'Amen' in agreement. Seth's eyes soften at the comment before he shakes it off.

"Whatever, let's order, all this arguing is making me hungry" He sighs with a frown before looking through the menu.

"You're not a bad guy and you know it, I say you should start to settle down, you're 24 years old. This playboy act is getting old" Charlotte says, before Seth slams down the menu and looks up at Roman.

"Get your bitch on a leach" He scoffs with a smug smirk knowing it will piss Flair off. She kicks his shin under the table.

"How about you get your micro-penis out of all these hoes then come talk me?" She fires back before crossing her arms in an act of confidence.

"Nice one Flair, nice one" He says with a smirk before the waitress comes to collect their orders.

Seth stares off into space as he thinks of what his friends say. Why should he care though? They all found women and got married, he didn't need to follow pursuit and he wasn't about to let them force him.

Seth does as Seth pleases and if that's messing with whoever, then so be it.

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