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He stood staring at her. He didn't know what to say. One sentence and all can go wrong. He loved her, he was sure, but did he love all of her? Even the lie she told? Definetly. He loved her so much that he was able to except her flaws and all that came with them. Seth was just unsure on being able to fully trust her again.

Too many people have left him. From his own parents to his past girlfriend's. He was used to neglect, but that didn't make it any easier to handle. "Roman, is that her?" Charlotte asked as they watched Seth's eyes water. "Yeah, pretty, ain't she?" He asks as Charlotte nods. Just by seeing her, she knew she was meant for Seth and that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fuck this up.

No one really knew Sasha's story. Not even her teo best friends, Becky and Bayley. She met Jeff, her ex-fiancee because she had to escape her family. They treated her horribly, used her for money and beat her after. He saved her, but that's why she felt like she needed to marry him. To repay him for helping her survive live through and after highschool.

Seth let out a deep breathe as did Sasha. This was breaking both of their hearts. Love was painful and they were only finding it out now. Sasha frowned as she seen the tear drop from his eye. His beautiful, big, brown eyes that she couldn't bare to live without. All she wanted to do was kiss all his pain away, but she needed him to know everything. Everything that she had done, and everything she didn't.

"I missed you, a lot" Sasha adds but he scoffs. "You miss me?" He sarcastically chuckled making her slowly walk towards him with her finger tracing down the table. "I didn't marry him" She paused to see his reaction. "I met him in my second year of high school, so when he proposed I panicked and said yes. Then I met you and I fell so deeply in love with you, so when it was time to say yes to another man at the altar, I ran. I ran away from him, from my made up life, and certainly from the lies. I can't lie to myself anymore, Seth. I love you with all my heart. Please trust me when I say that I'm all for you. No one else, can we give us a try?"

She stops walking once she reaches in front of Seth as he peered down at her. He wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Only us?" He asks as she nods quickly. "Then I'll give it a try"

Sasha reached up to plant a kiss on his lips before pulling away. "I love you" Seth said looking down at the purple haired woman. "I love you too"

And this is when Seth knew what happiness really tasted like. It tasted like Sasha Banks.

A/N this was the last real chapter. 💘

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