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Months passed by as Seth added the last touches onto his art show that was coming up later tonight. He had been able to fully focus on photography after quitting his job. He slicked back his hair and tied his favourite, red tie. It was shiny along with his perfectly black, coloured tux. He smiled into the mirror before his uber texted him to come outside.

He smiled brightly as he arrived. Seth couldn't believe it was finally time. He had done it, all his most valued drawings up on one wall. Black and white, coloured, nude or child-like pictures were posted everywhere. Taken with the camera she bought him. How could she not love me? Seth thought before shaking it off. Every now and then Seth's mind would play tricks on him and ask why she didn't want him or love him. But not even Sasha knew the answer.

He greeted everyone who came out to support him. He ended up in a corner with Roman and Dean hiding from an old lady who asked too many questions. Dean pulled out a bottle of beer and took a sip. "What are you doing?" Seth scolded. "No alcohol, Jesus" Seth yelled as he threw Dean's drink in the garbage. That's how Seth's night went. Babysitting Dean, answering rude and sometimes stupid questions, and selling paintings.

"Seth, rest, you're tired" Charlotte instructed before pushing him down into his chair. "I want you to know I'm super proud that you're doing this. You've worked for this, forever and now it's your time to shine. Live it up baby"

"Thanks Char" He smiled brightly before embracing her in a hug. As they pulled away Seth realized he soon had to give a 'thanks for coming speech'. Those always made him nervous because people could leave right while he was talking. Soon enough he got the courage to stand up infront of the crowd.

"I would like to say thank you for coming. This was my first and y'all made it amazing, for that I am so thankful. Please come out to my next one in April. Please be out in ten minutes. Thanks again" He said as the people smiled and laughed before slowly heading out. Seth watched the room become almost completely empty. It was only left with Charlotte and Roman in the corner laughing about God knows what. Until the door opened slowly.

Seth didn't bother to look up because he thought it was someone who left earlier. She stopped at the end of the long table making him finally look at her.

His eyes slowly widen as he almost cries. There she was, Sasha Banks.

"W-What are you doing here?" He breathed out. She shrugged. "

What would make you think that I've ever go back to you after what you did to me?" Seth scoffs as Sasha walks closer to him.


Because I'm the love of your life you need me as much as I need you" Sasha shrugs as Seth sighs deeply.


What if I don't need you anymore? What if I found it better without you? What if I found a point in my life where I am perfectly happy without love?" He asks trying not to cry.


Will have you? Because I don't think you have, you look like you still need me as much as I need you. If you don't need me look me in the eyes and tell me to leave tell me that you're over me right now, tell me so I can leave"

She smirks as Seth breaks eye contact.

Can he tell her to leave? Does he want her to leave?

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