Make Yourself At Home

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I never told you what I do for a living

The fun sized man squeaked as he was pushed up against the wall, his eyes when he was the blade in my hand and his bottom lip trembling when he saw that it was me that was planning on hurting him. Frank stuttered and stumbled over his words, not being able to form a coherent sentence for me to understand, finally giving up so we lapped into silence as we continue staring at each other.

"Why are you not asleep?" I asked, my voice sounding too soft, too kind for the predicament that we had found ourselves in, Frank looked too scared of me for me to be the one trying to sound like the nice gentle friend right now, "I- uh, I have insomnia, I uh, have troubles sleeping, wake up a lot and can't get back to sleep for ages."

When Frank was sitting opposite me- Hell, even when he was up in that queue for his coffee- he was a somewhat calm guy that used sarcasm or humour to get his way through a conversation but now that we were here, he seemed to be a scared little boy that was just about ready to burst into tears and sob into my chest.

I guess having a knife to your throat changes you a lot.

"Have you gone to the doctor about it? Sleeping pills? Therapy?"

Frank's eyes narrowed in confusion and he looked down to my knife pressed to his throat, his hands coming up to rest on my forearm, gently moving it away from him, "If you're going to act like a friend to me, I request just two things from you."

I raised my eyebrow, indicating for Frank to continue, only allowing him a little space between his throat and my knife, close enough to his throat to keep him scared and in check but far enough to let him think he was in control here, "One... Do not threaten me with your weapons in my own home, and two-"

Frank paused to move my arm and to walk past me, giving me more than enough chance to kill him then and there, having a lot of faith in me to not stab him, "-at least let me know your name. Clearly you know my name, where I live. Fuck, do you know how big my dick is?"

I snorted, returning my knife to its rightful place before crossing my arms over my chest, my eyes running up and down Frank's almost naked body- secretly impressed by what I saw- making sure I let my gaze linger a little longer on his crotch a little longer than I should've before making eye contact with him once again, "I have a rough estimate set aside for a rainy day, I guess."

Frank pulled out one of the chairs and plopped down into it, "I'm sorry I didn't dress up formally for this gathering at four in the fuckin' mornin', I don't think I got the memo that I should wear a whole outfit to bed just in case the guy that was alone from the coffee shop breaks in and pulls a knife on you."

I rolled my eyes at the side of his head, following suit and sitting in the chair beside him, noticing the empty dish on the table and I pulled out my box of fags, not even glancing at the questionable looks Frank sent me and lit one up, sucking in the poison and blowing it out, leaving it in my mouth so I could have my hands free to play with my lighter, "Are you usually this courteous within another's household?"

I half smiled at Frank's sarcasm, taking another drag before taking the fag out of my mouth, flicking the ash into the dish and resting it there as to not cause a fire in this guys house whilst he was sitting right next to me watching me, probably thinking about just how much he really wanted to murder me right now for doing what I just done.

To take the piss and annoy Frank a little more, I kicked off my shoes and slid off my jacket to discard it onto the table, standing up and heading to the kitchen, "Want something to eat, Frankie?" I yelled, taking a drag of my cigarette, holding in a giggle as I opened the fridge door, Frank's body coming up behind me to peer into the fridge with me, "You still haven't told me your fucking name."

I ignored whatever Frank had to say and continued my looking at the contents and gasped happily when I spotted he had microwaveable pancakes and I pulled them out, closing the fridge door and over to his cupboard, pulling out two plates and went back over to the microwave, "What is so important about my name that you wanna know it?"

Frank had followed, turning me around to face him and put his hands either side of me, effectively pinning me to that one spot, "Because, mister, I would rather enjoy putting a name to your face. I would like to know who the fuck it was that was in my house, I would like to know a tiny bit of information about the guy that seems to know an awful amount of information on me."

Instead of answering him I looked down at the zero percent of space between our bodies, then back up to him with a blank look, almost smirking when Frank himself noticed just how close he was. But instead of apologising and stepping away, he stayed where I was and stared right back at my emotionless face.

I shrugged, turning my back on him so he was pressed up against me, probably making him awkward as I started to try opening the packet.

"My name is Gerard." I mumbled after a while, giving up with food and pushing away from Frank and walking back into his living room, picking up my shoes and jacket, not even giving myself time before I walked back through the kitchen and out the back door, the notepad not even coming to my mind when I started beating myself up in my head.

Not only did I walk out of that house without what I had went in there for, but I also came out with Frank alive, with Frank knowing I was there and also with Frank knowing my name.

It was never part of my agenda to let Frank know who I was, I had deliberately avoided telling him just who I was up until then, and I didn't exactly wanting him knowing the name of the man that just so happened to break into his house, threatened him with a knife and left, he could go to the police at any time he wanted and rat me out.

I'm such an awful fuck.

Ay fuck you I done two chapters in two hours suck my ass! I shall be sleeping for the next five days, enjoy


I Never Told You What I Do For A Living {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now